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1267Le quotidien londonien The Independent publie une série d’articles et de commentaires sur la situation en Libye, quatre mois après la tonitruante “libération” du pays par les forces des “libérateurs”, aidées par les inspirateurs de la “libération” que constituèrent les forces de l’OTAN, tout cela couronné par l’esprit vigilant du “libérateur”-philosophe en chef de la libération du monde. Dito, BHL. Un “pris sur le vif”, très vif, de notre monde postmoderniste.
• Un article de The Independent du 24 novembre 2011 donne des informations diverses sur la situation humanitaire en Libye, sorties d’un rapport de l’ONU non encore rendu public et dont The Independent a obtenu un exemplaire.
«Thousands of people, including women and children, are being illegally detained by rebel militias in Libya, according to a report by the Secretary-General of the United Nations. Many of the prisoners are suffering torture and systematic mistreatment while being held in private jails outside the control of the country's new government. The document, seen by The Independent, states that while political prisoners being held by the Gaddafi regime have been released, their places have been taken by up to 7,000 new “enemies of the state”, "disappeared" in a dysfunctional system, with no recourse to the law.
»The report will come as uncomfortable reading for the Western governments, including Britain, which backed the campaign to oust Gaddafi. A UN resolution was secured in March in order to protect civilians from abuses by the regime, which was at the time mercilessly suppressing the uprising against the Gaddafi regime…»
• Patrick Cockburn, un des reporteurs vedettes de The Independent, qui a notamment couvert les évènements de Libye, ajoute son commentaire à ces révélations extraites du document de l’ONU, également ce 24 novembre 2011. Pour lui, ce ne fut nullement une insurrection de libération contre Kadhafi, mais bien une guerre civile, qui se poursuit avec les règlements de compte habituels, le désordre et l’anarchie, et, sans doute, d’autres affrontements à venir.
«The detention of 7,000 people in prisons and camps by the anti-Gaddafi forces is not surprising. The conflict in Libya was always much more of a civil war between Libyans than foreign governments pretended or the foreign media reported. The winning anti-Gaddafi militia are not proving merciful. Often they have had relatives killed in the fighting or imprisoned by the old regime who they want to avenge. Sometimes they come from tribes and towns traditionally hostile to neighbouring tribes and towns. Gaddafi supporters are being hunted down. According to one person in Gaddafi's home town of Sirte, they are facing a “continuing reign of terror”. “There is a deep and spreading frenzy, particularly among some of the youth militia and the Islamists, to hunt down anyone associated with the former regime," the source said.
»The National Transitional Council, whose control is largely theoretical, is not in a position to stop this purge because many of its members are themselves frightened of being accused of links with the old regime. […]
»The international media was overwhelmingly hostile to Gaddafi's regime and tended to highlight atrocities committed by it and disregard or underplay human rights violations carried out by his opponents. An example of this occurred when eight or nine bodies of Libyan soldiers were found who appeared to have been executed. The rebels claimed they had been shot by Gaddafi's men because they tried to change sides. But Amnesty located a film of the soldiers being captured alive by the rebels and it was presumably the rebels who killed them.
»The purge of Gaddafi supporters is made more dangerous by the infighting between the militias, and between them and the politicians. Association with the old regime can be used to discredit an opponent. There may also be self-interest since death squads are reported to be taking their property.»
• Enfin, un troisième article, de Portia Walker à Tripoli, également du 24 novembre 2011, toujours sur le même sujet de la situation dans la Libye libérée et démocratique.
«At the beginning of the revolution, Abdullah al-Mehdi, a Libyan pilot, set up a detention centre in a former school in the town of Zintan. It held more than 100 prisoners from the Gaddafi regime. He said that after the fall of Tripoli he had handed over its running to others because of more pressing commitments. Asked where he gained permission to run his own prison, he responded, “Whose permission? There is not permission. In this war I have the permission.”
»Since the Gaddafi regime first began to crumble back in February, the enforcement of law and order in the liberated areas of Libya has fallen to a collection of self-appointed local councils and independent militias. […]
»Visits to prisons in the capital in recent months have revealed hundreds of African migrant workers rounded up by the former rebels who control Tripoli. At one jail, visited by The Independent in September, guards said that more than 500 black Africans were being held on the suspicion that they might be mercenaries. Black Africans in the city said that they were afraid to go out in case of arrest.
»Elsewhere, there was evidence of vigilante justice committed by the former rebels. Tawargha, where Gaddafi's soldiers staged a bloody assault on Misrata, has been ransacked and its inhabitants forced to flee. Militias from Misrata said that the 30,000 people who once lived in Tawargha will not be allowed to return. Families of fugitives from the city had sought refuge at a roadside mosque in the desert outside Sirte, two hours drive from Tawargha. They feel they are being collectively punished for the crimes of some of their community. Towns in the Western Mountains region have also seen reprisal attacks against Gaddafi loyalists.
»The treatment of Muammar Gaddafi by the band of Misrata fighters that captured, beat and killed him in his home town of Sirte last month, embarrassed many local leaders who are now seeking to improve their reputation through their more humane treatment of the recently captured Saif al-Islam, Gaddafi's favoured son.»