BHO et la référence sombre de Nixon

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BHO et la référence sombre de Nixon

C’est d’abord un texte d’“accroche” de Jack Wheeler pour son numéro du 18 juin 2010 de sa Lettre d’Information To The Point qui attire notre attention. (Dans le texte, POTUS pour President Of The United States.)

«Disturbing and mesmerizing whispering that the Oval Office is the scene of stormy and romantic melodrama between POTUS and his most senior and trusted advisers. Whispering that POTUS is sleeping poorly and is much aggrieved at slights, shortfalls, interruptions. Whispering that POTUS is vulnerable to jet lag. That POTUS has returned to chain-smoking. That POTUS hesitates to heed his advisers, because POTUS frets that he is being sand-bagged by experts, allies, confidantes. Whispering that POTUS frailties most in display in West Wing settings. That POTUS evidences a Nixonian persecution mania. Can any of this be confirmed? Not easily. Less detailed, POTUS is said to express his opinion to pals in Chicago that he dislikes his job. Wilder whisperings that some pros are now weighing that POTUS try an LBJ exit after one term – rather than face a Carter collapse.»

Wheeler, un “dur” de la droite “dure” US (un doublement “dur”, à la droite des neocons), boit du petit lait. Il extrait des remarques de certains textes retrouvés sur des sites progressistes US. Nous en mentionnons un, de Deborah White, une cadre du parti démocrate en Californie, datant du 31 mai 2010.

White décrit un Obama parcouru de nombre de travers du Nixon de l’affaire Watergate, le goût du secret, la rupture avec le monde extérieur, le repli sur une petite équipe de collaborateurs, l’absence complète de transparence, une vindicte incroyable contre la presse, une très grande absence de rapports humains, une froideur de caractère, une impossibilité de communiquer, etc. – tout cela, selon le jugement de White. Elle observe que la crise du Golfe du Persique accentue ces traits jusqu’à en faire une description d’une crise personnelle où s’enfonce Obama.

Sa conclusion est très pessimiste… Elle met en évidence des hypothèses qui, selon elle, risquent de gravement handicaper Obama. Elle presse le président de tout faire pour redresser ce qu’elle juge être un destin dangereux.

»First, that President Obama's public approval ratings will continue to drop. Rasmussen reports 16his May 31, 2010 “strong” approval to be merely 27%, with 40% of the nation “strongly disapproving”.

»Second, that Republicans will win control of Congress in the 2010 mid-term elections, and hence, win the power of the Congressional subpoena.

»Third, that Congress, goaded by Americans livid over the flagging middle-class economy, ongoing endless wars, horribly botched oil spill, favors for corporate backers, or any number of issues... and egged on by Tea Party types who simply detest Mr. Obama... will hound him from office. Or worse...

»I say all this to fervently urge the Obama White House toward more transparency. Toward more connection with the desires of the American people. Toward less reliance on political hacks to hone policy and policy messaging. Toward more courage, boldness and forthrightness, and less Nixonian-style “cynical political maneuvrings”.

»It didn't end well for Richard Nixon. I, and most Democrats, desperately want it to end well for Barack Obama. But our 44th president needs to realize that time and patience are running dangerously short.»

(Voir aussi notre F&C de ce 21 juin 2010.)