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1253Barack Obama en voyage en Asie, dans le reste du monde (ROW), ressemble à un étranger dans le propre système qu’il est censé diriger, dans son propre pays, dans sa propre capitale. C'est le résultat de la débâcle des élections mid-term. met en ligne un très long article, ce 8 novembre 2010.
Il ressort de ce texte toute la rancœur, la colère, le mépris des gens du sérail et du système, les démocrates de son propre parti en l’occurrence, pour ce novice qui n’a pas su y faire, qui n’a pas su jouer le jeu washingtonien qui permet au système de prospérer. Obama ne semble pas avoir compris que ce jeu fait de l’“homme le plus puissant du monde” également un chef de gang attentif aux prébendes, aux signes mondains et à la chaleur affectée pour les membres de son clan. Cette remarque d’un anonyme de la nomenklatura démocrate dit tout du sentiment de Washington pour BHO : “ce type a besoin qu’on lui botte le cul…”
«President Barack Obama has performed his act of contrition. Now comes the hard part, according to Democrats around the country: reckoning with the simple fact that he’s isolated himself from virtually every group that matters in American politics.
»Congressional Democrats consider him distant and blame him for their historic defeat on Tuesday. Democratic state party leaders scoff at what they see as an inattentive and hapless political operation. Democratic lobbyists feel maligned by his holier-than-thou take on their profession. His own Cabinet — with only a few exceptions — has been marginalized.
»His relations with business leaders could hardly be worse. Obama has suggested it’s a PR problem, but several Democratic officials said CEOs friendly with the president walk away feeling he’s indifferent at best to their concerns. Add in his icy relations with Republicans, the media and, most important, most voters, and it’s easy to understand why his own staff leaked word to POLITICO that it wants Obama to shake up his staff and change his political approach.
»It should be a no-brainer for a humbled Obama to move quickly after Tuesday’s thumping to try to repair these damaged relations, and indeed, in India on Sunday, he acknowledged the need for “midcourse corrections.”
»But many Democrats privately say they are skeptical that Obama is self-aware enough to make the sort of dramatic changes they feel are needed — in his relations with other Democrats or in his very approach to the job.
»In his effort to change Washington, Obama has failed to engage Washington and its institutions and customs, leaving him estranged from the capital’s permanent power structure — right at the moment when Democrats say he must rethink his strategy for cultivating and nurturing relations with key constituencies ahead of 2012.
»“This guy swept to power on a wave of adulation, and he learned the wrong lessons from that,” said a Democratic official who deals frequently with the White House. “He’s more of a movement leader than a politician. He needs someone to kick his ass on things large and small and teach him to be a politician.”»