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1153William Pfaff, rapportant ses impressions de lecture du nouveau livre de Andrew J. Bacevich («A splendid and courageous new book…» – Washington Rules, Metropolitan Books, New York), souscrit entièrement à la thèse d’un Obama prisonnier du système. Ici, il s’agit de BHO face au Pentagone, pour la décision à prendre concernant la guerre en Afghanistan. (Sur le site personnel de Pfaff,, le 30 septembre 2010.)
«Andrew J. Bacevich […] describes with lucidity the degree to which the power of the American presidency over war and peace has been weakened in our day, and in important respects superceded…
»One might call this a silent coup against the presidency, but a coup implies intention: a responsible actor who sets the coup d’état into action for a defined purpose. The argument Bacevich makes implies that a coup can be institutional or intellectual, and come from outside as well as inside government. Its characteristic is to create a situation in which a president is no longer free to act as he might wish, because all of the doors except one have been closed. […]
»When Barack Obama was elected president with a pledge to fight the “right war” in Afghanistan he undoubtedly expected Defense Secretary Robert Gates to set out a range of options from negotiations with the Taliban to nuclear war, with comprehensive analyses. Instead it would seem he was presented one plan, already in operation, of troop “surge” as in Iraq, to be followed by “counterinsurgency” as set forth by the general commanding, David Petraeus – heavily publicized as a dramatic new war-winning strategy.
»Could he refuse? The Republicans were against him, the Pentagon contemptuous of a military innocent -- a former “community organizer” and “civil rights lawyer.” The press was in full cry for victory in Afghanistan. Obama would have risked a lynch mob at the White House.
»He had, in the phrase, been “set up.” But not by his enemies, or military putschists, or a cabal of neo-conservatives, but by the very nature of American government today and the natural workings of the Pentagon, the forces of Washington politics, and the demands of the press.»
Bien entendu, cette conception rencontre celle que nous développons régulièrement sur le fonctionnement mécanique du système, sur sa supériorité directrice et manipulatrice, qu’il s’agisse du cas du système anthropobureaucratique qu’est le Pentagone, de Wall Street, des pétroliers, ou du système en général, selon notre thèse développée dans La grâce de l’Histoire. Ces situations correspondent à notre conception du triomphe de l’“idéal de puissance”.
Pfaff cite également le livre récent (Obama’s Wars), de Bob Woodward, d’ailleurs commenté dans ce sens par Bacevich lui-même, qui expose cette même situation. Il apparaît de plus en plus évident que cette appréciation est beaucoup plus intéressante et beaucoup plus proche de la vérité que les habituels jugements à l’emporte-pièce d’un BHO “marionnette” de tel ou tel groupe humain comploteur, consciemment manipulateur et maître des événements, – et d’ailleurs changeant au gré des événements et selon les besoins de la thèse : Wall Steet, le Pentagone, la CIA, etc.