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1520Somme toute et à tout prendre, au milieu des piles d’hypothèses sophistiquées sur les causes et les prévisions accompagnant l’offensive d’ISIS en Irak et, plus généralement, dans le Levant, nous préférerons sans aucun doute la version donnée par des sources du renseignement kurde au Telegraph, telle que l’expose Russia Today le 23 juin 2014. Il faut en effet beaucoup d’endurance, de courage et de croyance dans les capacités et l’habileté de la surpuissance du bloc BAO (US ou Système, c’est selon) pour continuer à décrire ces merveilles de planification minutieuse des manipulations sans nombre et des colonies de false flags plus efficaces les uns que les autres, qui réussissent, les uns après les autres, à nous faire prendre des vessies pour des lanternes et la vieille et monstrueuse usine à gaz fumante et pétaradante pour une nouvelle Silicon Valley revue à la sauce-Orwell.
La version exposée ici se décline selon les caractères suivants : incompétence, suffisance jusqu’à la stupidité et l’aveuglement, inculture, indifférence, bien entendu carriérisme des cloportes (dito, les gens de la CIA et du MI6). Un hybris en mode turbo certes, mais aussi en forme absolument caricaturale, absolument vide et invalide : on ne peut mieux faire ni dire pour décrire l’état de notre contre-civilisation. Par conséquent, il faut prêter une oreille attentive aux révélations des sources kurdes citées ici, au contraire de ce que firent la CIA, le MI6 & consorts.
«As Iraq’s western border falls beyond the control of the country’s government, a new report suggests the United States and Britain were warned of a burgeoning insurgency months before militants began gaining territory. According to a report by the UK-based Telegraph, senior Kurdish intelligence officials said they tried to explain to their allies in the CIA, MI6, and the central Iraqi government that the members of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) could represent a great threat to Iraq's stability, but that those warnings failed to spark any action.
»In addition to calling attention to potential territorial gains in Iraq – a new Reuters report states the “entire Western frontier,” comprising borders with Syria and Jordan, is now “beyond government control” – Kurdish officials warned that ISIS is attracting foreign-born Muslims to its cause. Senior Kurdish intelligence officer Rooz Bahjat said that of the 4,000 estimated foreigners fighting alongside ISIS, somewhere between 400 and 450 were born in Britain and convinced to join the insurgency.
»These officials also said a formal alliance between ISIS members and ex-Baathists, who held power under Saddam Hussein, was nearly completed, and that it would lead to an attack on Mosul and other cities in northern Iraq. “We had this information then, and we passed it on to [the British] government and the US government,” Bahjat told the Telegraph. "We knew exactly what strategy they were going to use, we knew the military planners. It fell on deaf ears.” [...]
»Speaking with the Telegraph in a separate article, head of Kurdish intelligence Lahur Talabani said it wasn’t simply the 2003 invasion of Iraq that’s responsible for today’s violence, but that the lack of willingness on the part of Western powers to establish a peaceful government in the war’s aftermath is primarily to blame. The Kurds have called for more substantial intervention from the West, to no avail so far. “I have completely lost hope in America after listening to President Barack Obama,” he said. “I blame him personally for what has happened in Syria, in the Middle East, in Iraq at the moment. I have no hope any more.”»
Mis en ligne le 24 juin 2014 à 06H51