Frank & Paul, la main dans la main

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Frank & Paul, la main dans la main

Un article intéressant et important, sur, ce 6 juillet 2010. Il est signé conjointement de deux hommes que, semblerait-il, tout oppose : Barney Frank, à la gauche du parti démocrate, président de la commission des finances de la Chambre ; Ron Paul, à la droite libertarienne du parti républicain, Représentant du Texas.

…Mais on a déjà parlé de leur initiative commune, qu’ils présentent en des termes d’union nationale peu habituels, qui devraient inspirer plus d’un d’entre nous, dans ces temps difficile… «As members of opposing political parties, we disagree on a number of important issues. But we must not allow honest disagreement over some issues interfere with our ability to work together when we do agree.»

Frank et Paul s’expliquent donc sur cette initiative, qui est de parvenir à une réduction radicale du budget du Pentagone. La présence de cet article, mis en évidence sur le site, la signature commune de deux hommes que le classement idéologique semblerait séparer radicalement, montrent que Frank et Paul veulent aller loin dans cette affaire. Ils concluent en en donnant une situation.

«In order to create a systematic approach to reducing military spending, we have convened a Sustainable Defense Task Force consisting of experts on military expenditures that span the ideological spectrum. The task force has produced a detailed report with specific recommendations for cutting Pentagon spending by approximately $1 trillion over a ten year period. It calls for eliminating certain Cold War weapons and scaling back our commitments overseas. Even with these changes, the United States would still be immeasurably stronger than any nation with which we might be engaged, and the plan will in fact enhance our security rather than diminish it.

»We are currently working to enlist the support of other members of Congress for our initiative. Along with our colleagues Senator Ron Wyden and Congressman Walter Jones, we have addressed a letter to the President's National Committee on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform, which he has convened to develop concrete recommendations for reducing the budget deficit. We will make it clear to leaders of both parties that substantial reductions in military spending must be included in any future deficit reduction package. We pledge to oppose any proposal that fails to do so.

»In the short term, rebuilding our economy and creating jobs will remain our nation's top priority. But it is essential that we begin to address the issue of excessive military spending in order to ensure prosperity in the future. We may not agree on what to do with the estimated $1 trillion in savings, but we do agree that nothing either of us cares deeply about will be possible if we do not begin to face this issue now.»