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1880Pour comprendre l’évolution de la situation générale, et notamment l’évolution des USA, il est de plus en plus nécessaire de poser un regard d’historien et un regard de psychologue. William Pfaff, historien avant d’être chroniqueur ou chroniqueur avec un regard d’historien, est parfaitement désigné pour suivre une telle voie d’analyse. Il aborde effectivement l'analyse de l'évolution de l'empire avec une grande attention pour la psychologie. Son dernier article sur «The Impossibility of American Empire», publié le 30 octobre sur son site personnel, est une illustration de cette situation de son analyse.
Pfaff dresse un état de la situation des USA après six années de “guerre contre la terreur”, état intérieur, état de leur structure politique, de leurs pratiques politiques, état de leurs ambitions, – état d’une sorte de folie mécanique et mécaniste, état des illusions et des constructions psychologiques pathologiques, avec comme résultat «a United States that burns itself out in the attempt to deal with its paranoid fantasies»… L’empire américaniste est une chose caractérisée par un état de dystopie, conclut Pfaff.
«…But elected U.S. government has been so debased by the national willingness to submit elections to the values and habits of a medium of entertainment, television, and to the corruptions of money, that it is hard to see that such a nation can indefinitely maintain representative government.
»The Bush administration has demonstrated that major groups and forces in American society indeed do not wish that form of government to survive, and are deliberately engaged in destroying the constitutional order, undermining the powers of Congress and of the courts, so as to install unchecked executive power, rationalized by a novel and authoritarian legal ideology, and sustained by national security demagogy.
»I have not spoken of the Democratic candidates for president in the same way because the party’s candidates and debate have not descended to quite the abysmal levels of the Republican pre-primary campaign. But the Democratic party is equally complicit in degrading and subverting the electoral debate and practice of the country, since its candidates are unwilling or unable to challenge the American imperial ideology that drives the country’s foreign policy, an ideology of permanent, unchallengeable global military supremacy.
»This ideology is plainly written out in the American Defense Department’s periodical statements of U.S. National Security Strategy, in the latest of which the previously stated goal of “security” in space has now become “supremacy” in space (as everywhere else).
»The most influential ground force doctrine foresees decades of American asymmetrical war against urban insurgents springing up in radicalized or “failed” states around the world (including Europe, which the authors of this ideology of an unending World War IV predict will soon be reduced to helotry in service to an “Islamofascist” Caliphate. This hysterical American dystopia feeds fantasies of conquest to its Islamic enemies that the enemies themselves could not imagine. Paranoia reigns in some American circles, close to leading Republican candidates.
»All this might be taken as reason for American fear of what is to come. But the dystopic future thus described is impossible. What can come is a United States that burns itself out in the attempt to deal with its paranoid fantasies.
»The United States already wages two wasting wars that make no sense. It will never, itself, dominate the disintegrative forces in Iraq today. In Afghanistan it will never succeed in defeating a Taliban radicalism that represents a real if obscurantist national affirmation by a 40-million strong Pathan ethnic community that has always been the dominant force in its historical homeland.
»It is not a question of whether these American objectives should be done. That is irrelevant, since they can’t be done. They are impossibilities.
»The United States government, in its effort to execute its national security strategy of dominating and defeating global radicalism and extremism, is currently directly attempting to manipulate and control the internal political processes of Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Lebanon, the Palestinian Authority, Hamas and Hezbollah, Somalia, Ethiopia, Sudan, Kenya; and indirectly it attempts to exercise decisive influence on the affairs of Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt, Turkey, Yemen, Libya, the Gulf Emirates, and a non-existent Kurdistan – and this is to take only a single zone of the world.
»This is what the War on Terror has come to mean. It is an attempt to create a universal empire that exists only in the American imagination, by an effort that, because its aim is impossible to achieve, is unlimited in the damage it could do to Americans and others.»
Mis en ligne le 2 novembre 2007 à 04H51
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