La pute du Koch

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La pute du Koch

…Ce n’est pas nous qui l’avons écrit, mais Ian Murphy, rédacteur en chef du site The Beast, sous le titre de «Koch Whore». Après la déclaration du gouverneur Walker, du Wisconsin, selon laquelle il refuserait de communiquer et de prendre un coup de téléphone tant que les protestataires de Madison n’auraient pas quitté le Capitole, Murphy décida de téléphoner en se faisant passer pour David Koch, un des deux frères Koch, milliardaires fameux pour leur soutien financier au parti républicain, à Tea Party et, précisément, soutiens financiers du gouverneur Walker. Le résultat est une extraordinaire conversation téléphonique de Murphy-Koch avec Walker, retranscrite le 23 février 2010 sur The Beast, où les liens de sujétion de Walker avec les frères Koch sont mis en évidence d’une façon documentée et convaincante, voire intime...

Ce jubilant incident a été également rapporté par Jason Linkins, sur, le 23 février 2011. (Le Guardian relate également la chose le 24 février 2011.)

«Here's something for your “can this possibly be for real” file this morning. Over at the Buffalo Beast – the former print alt-weekly turned online newspaper founded by onetime editor Matt Taibbi, typically best known for its annual list of “The 50 Most Loathsome Americans” – there appear to be recordings of a phone call between Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker and current editor Ian Murphy. Now, why on earth would Scott Walker want to talk on the phone with the editor of an online site in Buffalo? Well, he wouldn't.

»But what if said editor pretended to be David Koch of the famed Koch Brothers? Well, that's a different story altogether, apparently! And so Walker, believing himself to be on the phone with his patron, seems to have had a long conversation about busting Wisconsin's unions.

»Buffalo Beast Publisher Paul Fallon told The Huffington Post that the audio is “absolutely legit.” That the call took place as described by the Beast has been confirmed by Walker spokesman Cullen Werwie. “Basically what happened was, yesterday morning [Murphy] was watching television about this Wisconsin stuff and he saw a report where he saw Walker say he wasn't going to talk to anybody,” Fallon said. “And he said, ‘I bet he would talk to somebody if he had enough oomph behind him.’”

»This all apparently went down Tuesday afternoon, hours before Walker made his “fireside chat.” It took some doing: Murphy-as-Koch said he had several hoops to jump through before he was granted access to Walker, beginning with a receptionist, leading to the governor's executive assistant, and finally ending up with his chief of staff, Keith Gilkes…»

La conversation téléphonique entre Murphy-Koch et Walker vaut effectivement son pesant de dialectique faussaire, en nous faisant pénétrer par inadvertance et effraction dans le monde de la corruption du Système, coloré et parfois imprudent, ou bien naïf et inattentif (Walker n’a pas hésité une seconde à prendre Murphy pour Koch). Murphy termine par ce commentaire, où il ne manque pas de nous rappeler la chose, – “Le Caire, Madison, même combat…”.

«So there you have it, kids. Government isn’t for the people. It’s for the people with money. You want to be heard? Too fucking bad. You want to collectively bargain? You can’t afford a seat at the table. You may have built that table. But it’s not yours. It belongs to the Kochs and the oligarch class. It’s guarded by Republicans like Walker, and his Democratic counterparts across that ever-narrowing aisle that is corporate rule, so that the ever-widening gap between the haves and the have-nots can swallow all the power in the world. These are known knowns, and now we just know them a little more.

»But money isn’t always power. The protesters in Cairo and Madison have taught us this—reminded us of this. They can’t buy a muzzle big enough to silence us all. Share the news. Do not retreat; ReTweet.

»The revolution keeps spinning. Try not to get too dizzy.»

...A noter et à suivre : rapportant l'incident le 23 février 2010, RAW Story signale qu'une organisation de surveillance du comportement éthique des hommes politiques estime qu'on trouve dans la conversation matière à des poursuites légales contre Walker.