Le sommet du NAM, événement international fondamental

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Le sommet du NAM, événement international fondamental

Nous avons sélectionné cette interview d’un expert libanais des affaires moyennes-orientales, Hisham Jaber, directeur du Center for Middle East Studies de Beyrouth, pour donner une appréciation générale du 16ème sommet du NAM, à Téhéran. L’essentiel de la “couverture” de cet événement vient des pays du mouvement, surtout les pays arabes et, bien sûr, du pays-hôte, l’Iran. L’extraordinaire parcimonie, sinon l’absence du monde de la communication du bloc BAO (du Système) vis-à-vis du sommet, constituent une des caractéristiques les plus impressionnantes de l’emprisonnement total de la conscience de sa responsabilité de cet ensemble politique. Cela correspond à un déni psychologique et affectif de la vérité du monde, relevant d’une pathologie que nous connaissons bien et qui ne cesse de s’aggraver ; cela nous permet d’autre part de mieux apprécier le sommet du NAM comme un événement fondamental, la mesure exacte à cet égard étant exactement inverse à l’intérêt manifesté par le bloc BAO.

Ci-dessous, de larges extraits de l’interview, mis en ligne par PressTV.com le 30 août 2012, sous le titre «NAM summit plays with nerves of United States, Israel».

Press TV: «What do you think about the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) in general? since its establishment, how much has it been able to keep its momentum?»

Jaber: «Everybody knows that this movement has been created in 1961 and it was effective until the day when the Soviet Union collapsed in 1990. Then it was out of hearing or any activity until now when Iran did invite them to this conference, which, in my opinion, is a very important event in the politics in the world. This conference is a real challenge, first to the Western bloc and especially if you look at who was really disturbed by this conference, Israel and the United States in particular.

»Now when Tehran collects and invites 120 countries, among them more than 30 or 35 heads of states or prime ministers, it is a real event and also many other countries came as observers. I think this conference is a breakthrough of the political monopoly of the great powers in the world. We can expect a lot of presence of this movement and especially now that this movement is headed by Iran.

»Everybody knows that the Western bloc and the United States have tried to isolate Iran for years. Now this event came to make a breakthrough of this isolation and I think it’s a very good and positive move and event now and I think nobody can ignore the presence of the 120 countries members of the general assembly of the United Nations. Even Mr. Ban Ki-moon who received a lot of pressure for not coming, but he cannot ignore the number of independent countries [who are] members of the United Nations.»

Press TV: «As you pointed out there, the UN General himself Mr. Ban Ki-moon was under a lot of pressure by Washington and its allies not to take part in this summit in Tehran. In general, how much has Washington been able to influence the movement itself in terms of being able to dissuade its member states?»

Jaber: «Yes, nobody can deny the presence and the influence of Washington on many countries. Even among those countries who came, it is a brave action among those countries - of course, they are not aligned, but they have interests with the United States and they are under the pressure of America. But it doesn’t mean that they are under orders or under occupation or those are independent countries; it depends from a country to another country, you know, to act based on their independence, their freedom of position and also at the same time a good relation with the Western bloc and especially the US.

»But we don’t have to be that very optimistic and to say that this movement can face the superpower and especially the American superpower, but at the same time, it can limit this movement, to limit the political aggression of the American administration towards the third world and to deal with those countries case by case and one by one based on, first, the interests of the United States which come first for the Americans and second, the possibility to maintain good relations with those countries. You know, it’s international relations; it depends, we are talking about 120 and more, 150 independent countries; every country, small or big, is under the United Nations General Assembly and the international relations is very important.

»First, as we said that when Iran came and invited all those countries and will be the case in this conference and they will discuss international problems and regional problems and they may come with, I wouldn’t say one singular opinion, but it will minimize the divergence in the politics and the point of view towards the problems in the world, minimize the divergence and they will come with a decision that may have a lot of influence in the foreign policy of the Americans and the Western bloc.»


Press TV: «With regards to this disunity among several member states especially on some critical issues happening in the region such as Bahrain and Syria, how can this disunity affect the status and decisions of NAM altogether?»

Jaber: «Nobody can deny that the discussion and the presence at the conference and face-to-face communication and when you see many country discussing any political problem, regional or international, it will lead to a positive result. Of course every country has its own problems, maybe economy, maybe politics, maybe problems with the neighborhood, etc. and I’m not going to [comment] on those countries. But it will create a climate of good health and a positive discussion in order to narrow the divergence between countries, especially when we are talking about those countries in the [Persian] Gulf.

»For decades, America and its allies did create a psychological warfare or psychological operations to create a negative atmosphere between Iran and its neighbors in the Gulf and to convince them that Iran is a potential enemy, which is not true at all. Every wise person believes that those countries in the Gulf have interests to have good relations with Iran and vice versa, not the opposite because Iran will not deny its neighbors’ presence and they should not deny the role of Iran as a player in that region. If they look for good relations between them, I think this would be a credit and will be a favor for their own people and for peace in the region, not to apply an American agenda or Israeli agenda.

»I mean I have to repeat that the presence of some countries there is very positive. Also, do not forget the presence of the Egyptian president when the relationship between Iran and Egypt... Now it is very important he is present and the relationship between Iran and Egypt is very important to increase for the best relations and for the better relation because as a result, the good relation between Iran and Egypt, which Egypt no one can deny the presence of Egypt which was out of presence for 30 years during the Mubarak regime.

»Now I think both countries did understand and are convinced to maintain good relations between them; it will establish security and peace in the region and also as we said, for the favor of the people in the whole region and especially in the [Persian] Gulf countries.»

Press TV: «We know that this summit has been held to discuss the latest global issues; the world leaders have come there to discuss the latest global issues. They will be talking the talk, as they say, but will there be walking the walk? In other words, how much will they put their words and what they discussed to practice?»

Jaber: «They have to try, first of all and have the full right to a complete result; we have to wait. It is not from one day to another to expect a concrete result, but talk is good, walk is good and walking for peace is good and talking about the peace and the good relations and the special entity of the non-aligned countries in this world is very important to recreate this movement. I said recreate because once it was created, but has been in a coma for a long time. Now it is very important to do something because it is better than staying in bad relations and this situation of fear between the countries. I think it is better now what is happening now in Tehran. We have to wait to see the result and how it will be translated on the fields, on the lands.

»And it is enough, as we said, when you see Israel is very, very angry and anxious about such meetings, that in my opinion is a sign of good health and it’s positive. But I did not understand yesterday how Israel did criticize Ban Ki-moon and tell him and tried to forbid him to go to that meeting. To my knowledge, Ban Ki-moon is not working for the government of Israel and he must show that the United Nations is neutral and independent and cares about its role to show this, to prove this, that the United Nations cares about the majority of its members and as I said and I repeat, we are talking about 130 countries and other countries as observer.»

Press TV: «What do you think the challenges of the Non-Aligned Movement will be in the future?»

Jaber: «To increase its presence, to show its power, to try to unite between themselves in a way to have similar opinion or similar policies towards international problems. At that time, then they will have a heavy presence and they will have influence, as we said, on the superpowers and especially the United States. Don’t forget the members and those countries represent the majority of the UN General Assembly; of course they are not members of the Security Council, but they are the majority in the General Assembly in the United Nations.

»Second, every country has its own role whether in the world or in the region. So this kind of meeting and this kind of conference must be repeated and every time you will see step by step that we will arrive to have a so-called, if you want, another superpower.»

Press TV: «We know that Iran is hosting this summit and of course for the next three years, it will be the president of the Non-Aligned Movement taking over from Egypt. With regards to the fact that the role that Iran is playing both in the region and the international community, how effective and strong a role can Iran play? How effective can it be in future NAM decisions?»

Jaber: «Iran’s nation is a great nation; it is not a small country. When this No-Aligned Movement was headed by Egypt, Egypt had to be out for thirty years. Now Iran has started to be the head of this movement. Iran has a very important duty to do and I think it will succeed to lead that movement. There is no reason that Iran will not succeed; Iran has very good relations with many countries in the world, especially the BRICS countries and nobody can deny the role of Iran in the Arab countries like Iraq.»
