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1045Un article avec des déclarations désabusées du général McChrystal, commandant en chef en Afghanistan, doit paraître dans l’édition papier du magazine Rolling Stone, vendredi prochain. McChrystal y exprime le désabusement qu’on lui connaît, notamment cette fois à l’encontre de l’administration Obama.
Une dépêche AP de ce 22 juin 2010 rapporte quelques extraits de ces déclarations et quelques-uns des effets que ces déclarations ont provoqué. D’une façon générale, ces effets marquent surtout une confusion gênée puisque McChrystal dit tout haut ce que tout le monde sait tout bas, et qui sont des choses pas très bonnes à dire tout haut. L'avis de McChrystal selon lequel ses vrais ennemis sont “les poules mouillées à la Maison-Blanche” ne fera pas spécialement plaisir à Washington.
«The top U.S. war commander in Afghanistan apologized Tuesday for an interview in which he said he felt betrayed by the man the White House chose to be his diplomatic partner, Ambassador Karl Eikenberry. The article in this week's issue of Rolling Stone depicts Gen. Stanley McChrystal as a lone wolf on the outs with many important figures in the Obama administration and unable to convince even some of his own soldiers that his strategy can win the war.
»In Kabul on Tuesday, McChrystal issued a statement saying: “I extend my sincerest apology for this profile. It was a mistake reflecting poor judgment and should never have happened.”
»In Rolling Stone, McChrystal is described by an aide as “disappointed” in his first Oval Office meeting with an unprepared President Barack Obama. The article says that although McChrystal voted for Obama, the two failed to connect from the start. Obama called McChrystal on the carpet last fall for speaking too bluntly about his desire for more troops. “I found that time painful,” McChrystal said in the article, on newsstands Friday. “I was selling an unsellable position.” […]
»The profile, titled “The Runaway General,” emerged from several weeks of interviews and travel with McChrystal's tight circle of aides this spring.
»It includes a list of administration figures said to back McChrystal, including Defense Secretary Robert Gates and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, and puts Vice President Joe Biden at the top of a list of those who don't. The article claims McChrystal has seized control of the war “by never taking his eye off the real enemy: The wimps in the White House.”»
C’est certainement contre l’ambassadeur US à Kaboul Karl Eikenberry, dont une dépêche secrète hostile à McChrystal parvint à la presse à l’automne dernier, que McChrystal montre le plus d’hostilité… «McChrystal said he never expressed them until a leaked internal document threw a wild card into the debate over whether to add more troops last November. In the document, Eikenberry said Afghan President Hamid Karzai was not a reliable partner for the counterinsurgency strategy McChrystal was hired to execute.
»McChrystal said he felt “betrayed” and accused the ambassador of giving himself cover. “Here's one that covers his flank for the history books,” McChrystal told the magazine. ‘Now, if we fail, they can say ‘I told you so.’”»
...Il n'en reste pas moins, – en “dernière minute”, comme l'on dit, – qu'à la suite de ce tintamarre à peine inattendu, BHO s'est trouvé justifié d'une grande fureur et a convoqué d'urgence le général McChrystal à Washington. Le général s'y trouvera demain et les cloches sonneront, comme l'annonce le New York Times de ce 22 juin 2010.