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2110Dans, le 28 mai 2014, Nikolaï Malichevski donne de nombreux détails, certains remarquables et étonnants, sur la présence, notamment armée, des Polonais en Ukraine, – bien entendu, du côté de Kiev, – et sur l’activisme en général des Polonais dans le conflit ukrainien. Il nous paraît manifeste que ce texte, destiné à l’édification du lecteur, l’est aussi et plus précisément à celle des Polonais et de leurs parrains US/OTAN. Il nous semble également logique de penser que ces précisions viennent de sources du renseignement russe, et signalent aux Polono-américanistes que leur présence et leur action ne sont en rien ignorées.
• Le texte cite Leszek Sykulski, qui dirige l’Institut de Géopolitique de Czestochowa Institute of Geopolitics :
«The problem is that Warsaw's eastern policy is to a great degree directed by Polish intelligence, which collaborates closely with American and British intelligence agencies».
Il faut aussi citer l’activisme du ministre des affaires étrangères Sikorski, qui a été intégré dans les années 1990 et au-delà dans le groupe neocon à Washington au sein de l’AEI (think tank des néoconservateurs) et marié à Anne Applebaum, également activiste du groupe neocon (pour Sikorski, voir le 8 février 2007 et le 15 novembre 2014). Ci-dessous, un passage consacré à ces détails divers, des interventions polonaises, des rapports des Polonais avec Kiev et les ultra-nationalistes/néo-nazis de Secteur Droite.
«On May 11 a plane arrived at Kiev's airport in strict secrecy; it was met by the airport's military personnel rather than the civilian staff. NATO military uniforms, 500 packages of amphetamines, and containers marked as poisonous substances were unloaded from the plane. By order of the Kiev directorate of the SBU, the fighters, the cargo and the containers of poison were not inspected and left the airport in cars with tinted windows. The cargo was accompanied by CIA agent Richard Michael. Aboard the plane were also fighters from the Right Sector and the Polish private military company ASBS (Analizy Systemowe Bartlomiej Sienkiewicz) Othago, created several years ago by Poland's current Minister of the Interior, B. Sienkiewicz.
»According to available data, this Polish PMC lost 6 men during a punitive operation in Eastern Ukraine (the remaining casualties among foreign mercenaries working for the junta came from the American PMC Academi and its subsidiary PMC Greystone Limited, which lost 50 and 14 fighters, respectively, as well as the CIA and the FBI, with 25 casualties, 13 of whom were killed).
»The Poles have been participating actively in the formation of death squads in Ukraine since September 2013, when Foreign Minister R. Sikorski invited 86 members of the Right Sector to train at the police training center in Legionowo, 23 km from Warsaw. The fighters, who came on the pretext of a university exchange program, were mostly men of around 40; they received a month-long training course in organizing mass protests, erecting barricades, seizing government buildings, street fighting tactics, shooting techniques, including from sniper rifles, etc. The Polish weekly Nie published a photo from Legionowo showing Ukrainian fascists dressed in Nazi uniforms alongside their Polish instructors in civilian clothing. [...] the use of helicopters with UN symbols on them for air attacks on Kramatorsk. These helicopters were piloted by Polish mercenaries, as even their Ukrainian colleagues refused to violate international norms of using military equipment bearing United Nations symbols. [...]
»While the Polish special services were training the future participants of punitive operations, the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs made this official statement (02-02-2014): “We support the hard line taken by the Right Sector... The radical actions of the Right Sector and other militant groups of demonstrators and the use of force by protestors are justified... The Right Sector has taken full responsibility for all the acts of violence during the recent protests. This is an honest position, and we respect it. The politicians have failed at their peacekeeping function. This means that the only acceptable option is the radical actions of the Right Sector. There is no other alternative”.»
• Un autre aspect de l’activisme polonais est l’implication de diverses personnalités polonaises dans les manœuvres diverses en cours en Ukraine autour du groupe Burisma Holdings, qui se destine à l’exploitation du gaz de schiste (voir le 12 avril 2014 et le 23 mai 2014 pour l’efficacité de la chose). Malichevski estime que l’offensive contre l’Ukraine russophone a surtout (ou également) pour but de dégager le bassin du Dniepr-Donets pour les premières “exploitations”, c’est-à-dire la première utilisation des investissements permettant les bénéfices qui constituent le véritable but de l’entreprise. On sait que le vice-président Biden a placé, il y a quelques semaines, son fils dans Burisma Holdings. On sait moins que des Polonais y sont également présents, dont l’ancien président (1995-2005) Kwasniewski. (Pour que nul ne soit lésé du point de vue de la continuité de la corruption, il faut préciser que les contrats obtenus par Bursima Holdings ont été signés par la précédente administration du président Ianoukovitch, renversé par un coup d’État le 21-22 février.)
«Robert Hunter Biden, the son of the U.S. vice president, who has become a frequent visitor to Kiev, was recently appointed to the Board of Directors of the largest private gas producer in Ukraine, Burisma Holdings, which is registered in Cyprus and holds licenses for developing the gas fields of the Dniepr-Donetsk Basin. In April, Devon Archer, a family friend of the U.S. Secretary of State who was the college roommate of Kerry's stepson and a senior advisor during John Kerry's 2004 presidential election campaign, also received a post in the company.
»U.S. top officials and their close relatives have a great personal interest in all the countries invaded by American occupation forces, starting back in the days of the wars against Yugoslavia and Iraq. For example Kerry's predecessor as Secretary of State, Madeleine Albright, has business in «independent Kosovo», and Biden's predecessor as vice president, Richard Cheney, and his family, as well as yet another U.S. secretary of state, Condoleeza Rice, latched onto Iraq's energy resources through Halliburton and Chevron. The same kinds of interests are appearing in those who serve the interests of Americans in Eastern Europe, as well. For example, Ukraine's ex-Minister of Ecology Mykola Zlochevsky and former president of Poland Aleksander Kwasniewski are on the Board of Directors of Burisma Holdings.»
Mis en ligne le 30 mai 2014 à 05H48