Pour la Malaisie, le vol MH17 a été abattu par Kiev

Brèves de crise


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Pour la Malaisie, le vol MH17 a été abattu par Kiev

Il semble bien que la Malaisie sache de quoi il retourne, contre la narrative fantasmagorique que nous a servi l’équipe bloc BAO-Kiev. C’est de cette façon qu’il serait judicieux d’interpréter l’article du New Straits Times, principal quotidien de langue anglaise en Malaisie. WSWS.org précise, le 10 août 2014, que si l’on tient compte des habitudes politiques dans le pays, l’article n’a pu être publié sans l’accord du gouvernement malais et représente donc une position officieuse de ce gouvernement.

Cette probable position malaise représente un élément intéressant dans la crise du MH17. Il n’est d’ailleurs, – preuve de son intérêt, – nulle part repris dans la presse-Système du bloc BAO, de même que tout ce qui concerne la “crise” du MH17 qui s’est totalement évaporée dans les vapeurs de l’histoire-narrative, une fois ingurgitée de force la version de la culpabilité de la Russie, évidente puisque sans la moindre preuve et avec des preuves du contraire, et sans le moindre fondement logique d’intérêt politique. Ainsi raisonne-t-on lorsqu’il s’agit de la presse-Système...

Par conséquent, c’est une excellente nouvelle pour la bonne santé du système de la communication d’apprendre que l’article du New Straits Times s’appuie sur des témoignages venus notamment d’experts de l’OSCE et, surtout pour notre propos, des articles de Robert Parry qu’on a souvent cité (voir par exemple le 9 août 2014). Excellente nouvelle, certes, qu’aujourd’hui un article de l’internet (le site ConsortiumNews de Parry) serve de référence à un quotidien de l’importance du New Straits Times. C’est un grand événement, celui où un article de l’internet remplace le New York Times de la presse-Système comme référence d’information ; c’est une surprise magnifique de voir l’inconséquence, l’inconscience et la complaisance avec lesquelles la presse-Système, toute occupée à sa servilité, sacrifie son crédit aux consignes du Système, au profit de nous autres, dans les réseaux bien-plus-que-“sociaux”.

«A Thursday article in the New Straits Times, Malaysia’s flagship English-language newspaper, charged the US- and European-backed Ukrainian regime in Kiev with shooting down Malaysian Airlines flight MH 17 in east Ukraine last month. Given the tightly controlled character of the Malaysian media, it appears that the accusation that Kiev shot down MH17 has the imprimatur of the Malaysian state. [...]

»The New Straits Times article, titled “US analysts conclude MH17 downed by aircraft,” lays out evidence that Ukrainian fighter aircraft attacked the jetliner with first a missile, then with bursts of 30-millimeter machine gun fire from both sides of MH17. The Russian army has already presented detailed radar and satellite data showing a Ukrainian Sukhoi-25 fighter jet tailing MH17 shortly before the jetliner crashed. The Kiev regime denied that its fighters were airborne in the area, however.

»The New Straits Times article began, “Intelligence analysts in the United States have already concluded that Malaysia flight MH17 was shot down by an air-to-air missile, and that the Ukrainian government had had something to do with it. This corroborates an emerging theory postulated by local investigators that the Boeing 777-200 was crippled by an air-to-air missile and finished off with cannon fire from a jet that had been shadowing it as it plummeted to earth.” [...]

»Another source the paper cited was an article, “Flight 17 Shoot-Down Scenario Shifts,” by former Associated Press reporter Robert Parry, who now writes for the ConsortiumNews.com web site. Given the lack of any evidence supporting US charges that pro-Russian forces shot MH17 down with a Buk anti-aircraft missile, Parry said, “some US intelligence analysts have concluded that the rebels and Russia were likely not at fault, and that it appears Ukrainian government forces were to blame, according to a source briefed on these findings.”

» Parry indicated that sections of the US intelligence apparatus have concluded that US secretary of state John Kerry’s claims that pro-Russian forces shot down the plane are lies. “Only three days after the crash, Secretary of State Kerry did the rounds of the Sunday talk shows making what he deemed an ‘extraordinary circumstantial’ case supposedly proving that the rebels carried out the shoot-down with missiles provided by Russia. He acknowledged that the US government was ‘not drawing the final conclusion here, but there is a lot that points at the need for Russia to be responsible,’ ” Parry wrote. “By then, I was already being told that the US intelligence community lacked any satellite imagery supporting Kerry’s allegations, and that the only Buk missile system in that part of Ukraine appeared to be under the control of the Ukrainian military.” [...]

»These charges from Malaysia are all the more significant in that Malaysia is not a strategic adversary of the United States. Unlike Russia, which already presented evidence suggesting Ukrainian involvement in the crash, Malaysia has no political motive for trying to discredit the US, the European powers, or their puppet regime in Kiev. While it has not aligned itself as openly as the Philippines or Vietnam with the US “pivot to Asia” aimed at isolating China, Malaysia has pushed for deployments of its forces in the South China Sea to contest Chinese influence in the area, in line with the agenda of the US “pivot.”»

Mis en ligne le 14 août 2014 à 08H33