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1831… C’est vrai, les guerriers d’al Qaïda semblent se confirmer comme de merveilleux exécutants des consignes, très bien intégrés, adeptes du travail bien fait, en parfaite coordination, voire intégration dans le bloc BAO, faux-nez de l’OTAN (ou l’inverse), avec en plus un portefeuille dans les grasses menottes qataries et saoudiennes… Brièvement dit, il faut savoir que la presse allemande est pleine des détails venant de fuites considérables des services de renseignement allemands (BND), de divers reportages, etc., qui exposent la responsabilité massive d’al Qaïda dans les massacres syriens, lesquels massacres, dans notre narrative à nous, bloc BAO, justifient impérativement, immédiatement et vertueusement, le départ séance tenante du massacreur” Assad.
Il apparaît que l’effet de ces révélations dans la presse et de la quasi confirmation du gouvernement allemand devant le Bundestag, ont été particulièrement et douloureusement ressenties dans la bureaucratie européenne, qui avait basé toutes ses analyses de la situation syrienne, à partir des consignes des directions politiques et de sources fort incertaines, sur la responsabilité massive du gouvernement Assad et de son armée. (Jusqu’à il y a un peu plus d’un mois, les analystes de la bureaucratie européenne n’étaient pas autorisés, par leur hiérarchie, à introduire dans leurs analyses l’hypothèse, et le fait encore moins, que les massacres pussent être de la responsabilité des rebelles.)
A ce niveau d’effet et de documentation des massacres et du rôle d’al Qaïda, cet aspect de la crise syrienne devient un élément politique important de plus, dans le désordre général de la crise et l’aggravation extrême de la tension. Pour l’information sur cette affaire, il y a l’article en anglais de John Rosenthal, qui dirige le site Transatlantic Intelligence. Le 23 juillet 2012, Rosenthal donne quelques indications préliminaires sur son site, puis renvoie à son article du
«German intelligence estimates that “around 90” terror attacks that "can be attributed to organizations that are close to al-Qaeda or jihadist groups" were carried out in Syria between the end of December and the beginning of July, as reported by the German daily Die Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ). This was revealed by the German government in a response to a parliamentary question.
»In response to the same question, the German government admitted that it had received several reports from the German foreign intelligence service, the BND, on the May 25 massacre in the Syrian town of Houla. But it noted that the content of these reports was to remain classified “by reason of national interest”, Like many other Western governments, Germany expelled Syria's ambassador in the immediate aftermath of the massacre, holding the Syrian government responsible for the violence.
»Meanwhile, at least three major German newspapers - Die Welt, the FAZ, and the mass-market tabloid Bild - have published reports attributing responsibility for the massacre to anti-government rebel forces or treating this as the most probable scenario. Writing in Bild, longtime German war correspondent Jurgen Todenhofer accused the rebels of “deliberately killing civilians and then presenting them as victims of the government”. He described this “massacre-marketing strategy” as being “among the most disgusting things that I have ever experienced in an armed conflict”. Todenhofer had recently been to Damascus, where he interviewed Syrian President Bashar al-Assad for Germany's ARD public television.
»Writing in Die Welt, Alfred Hackensberger noted that Taldo, the sub-district of Houla where the massacre occurred, has been under rebel control since December 2011 and is in an open plain, making it unlikely that “hundreds of soldiers and Assad supporters” could have entered the village to commit the massacre. (An abridged version of Hackenberger's report also appeared in Die Berliner Morgenpost.) Hackensberger visited Houla to conduct investigations for his report.
»He also interviewed an alleged eyewitness - identified simply by the pseudonym "Jibril" - at the Saint James Monastery in Qara, Syria. In contrast to an earlier report in the FAZ, which had claimed that the victims were largely Shi'ites and Alawis, Jibril told Hackensberger that all of the victims were Sunnis “like everybody here". By his account, they were killed for refusing to support the rebellion. Jibril added that "a lot of people in Houla know what really happened” but would not say so out of fear for their lives. “Whoever says something,” he explained, “can only repeat the rebels' version. Anything else is certain death.”… […]
»That the German government would cite national interest in refusing to disclose its information concerning the circumstances of the Houla massacre is particularly notable in light of Germany's support for the rebellion and its political arm, the Syrian National Council (SNC). While France, the United Kingdom, and the United States have figured as the most visible Western powers supporting the rebellion, Germany has been quietly playing a major role behind the scenes. According to a new report in the FAZ, the German foreign office is working with representatives of the Syrian opposition to develop “concrete plans” for a “political transition” in Syria following the fall of Assad.»
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