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1333Décidément, l’orthodoxie israélienne et juive a quelque soucis avec les anciens chefs du glorieux Mossad. On connaît les frasques d’un Dagan, désormais fameuses. Voilà qu’un autre ancien chef du prestigieux service, Efraim Halevy, jette un pavé de sa composition dans la mare. Pour lui, le véritable danger contre Israël n’est pas l’hitléresque Iran, selon le jugement ô combien mesuré de Bibi Netanyahou, mais il vient “du dedans” («Israel's true existential danger comes from within»), des extrémistes religieux juifs qui sont en train de créer une catégorie à part dans le pays, déniant aux autres des caractères essentiels qui définissent un citoyen israélien.
L’intéressante intervention de Halevy, rapportée par le Jerusalem
«“When I was in Bnei Akiva, there were boys and girls [mixed]. Were we not religious? Were the rabbis then not religious? What happened to us?" he asked, speaking at a military academy meeting commemorating 130 fallen soldiers. “Thousands of children are born to parents who immigrated to the state and were told that they are Jews, and here the religious authorities decided that they aren't Jews. A generation grew up here without personal status,” he said.
»Last month, Chief Ashkenazi Rabbi Yona Metzger said in a religious ruling that the IDF must ensure that religious soldiers are not forced to listen to performances by female singers. The statement came after an incident in which nine officer cadets left an army event involving a performance by female soldiers, and some subsequently refused to return after their unit commander ordered them to do so. Four of the soldiers were expelled from the Officers Training School – better known as Bahd 1 – after refusing to apologize for the incident.»