Ron Paul : “Ils ne rient plus du tout…”

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Ron Paul : “Ils ne rient plus du tout…”

Ron Paul a un moral d’acier, y compris sur l'élection de 2012 («[N]nobody knows what the outcome will be in this election»)… Candidat officiel à la désignation du parti républicain pour les présidentielles de 2012, Ron Paul constate qu’on ne rit plus du tout de sa candidature, comme l’on faisait en 2008. Il affirme que les gens viennent en masse vers lui, et il est désormais écouté et présent sur les grands médias. Ron Paul n’a guère de considération pour les autres candidats républicains déjà déclarés, dont ils jugent qu’ils occupent tous la position classique de l’establishment, complètement discréditée.

Ici, son interview hier sur CNN, émission State of the Union (assez mauvais, semble-t-il, l’état de l’Union). en reproduit des extraits, ce même 5 juin 2011 où Paul a été interviewé. Les premières réactions des lecteurs de, qui n’est pas précisément un site “dissident” ou “paulien”, sont significatives du crédit dont dispose Ron Paul.

«Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) said Sunday that he knows that his 2008 presidential campaign was regarded in many quarters as a joke, but that no one is treating him that way as he embarks on another bid for the White House. “During the last campaign I knew what was happening. You know, they mocked me for my foreign policy and they laughed at my monetary policy,” Paul said Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union.”

»“No more. No more. The people [are] coming over here,” Paul said.» […]

»However, Paul said he sensed that the positions he has been articulating for decades are become more widespread among Americans. “I see a fantastic movement at the grass roots...The whole country is moving. The attitude toward the endless undeclared silly wars that we fight that are bankrupting us. The silliness of the Federal Reserve printing money when we need so-called wealth, the deficits that are uncontrolled,” Paul said.

»“So ‘mainstream’ is now thinking about these things. Before ‘mainstream’ was deficits don't matter, print money when you need it, endless wars, personal privacy that didn't mean anything. But believe me, ‘mainstream’ is moving in the direction that I have been talking about for a long time, and therefore nobody knows what the outcome will be in this election,” Paul added.»