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1028Inspirant nettement la ligne du journal, très hostile à la décision de la juge Bolton concernant la loi sur l’immigration de l’Arizona, le commentateur du Washington Times Jeffrey T. Kuhner a écrit un éditorial incendiaire le 29 juillet 2010.
Kuhner attaque l’administration Obama, qu’il accuse d’une volonté de “globalisation socialiste” des USA. Puis il expose le cas fondamental de l’Etat de l’Arizona contre l’administration du “centre”. Le morceau ci-dessous, terminant par une exhortation à l’Arizona à faire sécession si ses droits ne sont pas respectés, est évidemment étonnant dans un journal qui a soutenu à 100% depuis 2001 les guerres déstructurantes et “globalisantes” lancées par l’administration G.W. Bush. Dans ce cas, au contraire, Kuhner affiche une logique souverainiste, anti-fédéraliste, complètement centrifuge et “dévolutionniste”, structurante par opposition à l’effort de déstructuration du “centre”, qui irait parfaitement à des adversaires du projet intégrateur de l’Europe supranationale. Il s’agit d’un bon exemple de plus de la confusion des positions idéologiques existant autour de l’affaire de la loi SB 1070 de l’Arzona.
«Judge Bolton's decision essentially says America cannot protect its national sovereignty. This is tantamount to an open invitation for illegal immigrants to come at will and with impunity. America is thus no longer a real nation-state capable of defending its geographical boundaries, cultural identity and national interests. Instead, it is being reduced to a colony of the new world order – one marked by economic globalization, transnational corporatism, supranational bodies and the erosion of meaningful borders. The liberal ruling class wants to eradicate the nation-state in order to achieve its globalist-socialist utopia. This is why it despises America's federal immigration laws and refuses to uphold them.
»The ruling also prevents the state from defending itself; it is unilaterally disarming the people of Arizona in the face of a dangerous enemy. The federal government has shown repeatedly that it is unable and unwilling to secure the border. The Arizona law has the overwhelming support (70 percent) of Arizonans (as well as Americans). It is the collective expression of the people's will to defend their homes, property and lives from criminals. It is the democratic embodiment of securing their God-given rights to life, liberty and self-government.
»Yet Judge Bolton and the Obama administration are making a neo-aristocratic argument: Leftist judges – elitist activists in black robes – override democratic legitimacy. This is a form of soft authoritarianism.
»In response to a controversial 1832 ruling by Supreme Court Chief Justice John Marshall, President Andrew Jackson reputedly said: “John Marshall has made his decision, now let him enforce it.” Mrs. Brewer should take a page from Old Hickory's playbook: Judge Bolton has made her decision, now let her enforce it.
»The Arizona governor should stand on the bedrock principles of states' rights and democratic self-government and insist that S.B. 1070 go into effect despite the federal ban. This would set up a constitutional showdown between Mrs. Brewer and Mr. Obama, Arizona and Washington. What would the Justice Department do: carry Mrs. Brewer off in handcuffs and throw her in prison? In other words, the people of Arizona should engage in peaceful civil disobedience.
»For too long, liberals have successfully used the courts to impose radical social engineering upon a recalcitrant population. Abortion, homosexual marriage, pornography, racial quotas, affirmative action, a ban on public school prayer – all of these issues have been imposed by an imperial judiciary against the wishes of the majority. The Arizona law is the reassertion of democratic self-rule against the federal leviathan.
»Arizona is where the old republic will stand or fall. It is showdown at high noon. Either America returns to its constitutional system based on real federalism, states' rights, individual liberty and decentralized power, or it continues to slide toward the darkness of a socialist superstate. Washington – with its swollen bureaucracy, imperial arrogance, rampant corruption and dangerous detachment from ordinary citizens – is despised and distrusted by many Americans. A secession of the heart is taking place – a profound alienation from the liberal ruling class.
»In the future, many states – including Arizona – may decide they have no other option but to break away from the union. The choice is becoming starkly apparent: devolution or dissolution.»