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1251Cette année, la commémoration de l’attaque du 11 septembre 2010 sera très différente de ce qui a précédé. Nous avions observé cette évolution du symbolisme de 9/11 le 31 août 2010, et nous poursuivrons demain cette analyse.
Dans ce cas, il s’agit d’un long article de, qui présente ce 9 septembre 2010, une commémoration qui va être marquée aux USA par la désunion, l’affrontement, la rancœur politicienne et la radicalisation des antagonismes.
«This year, September 11 is going to include something different — politics, and lots of it.
»On the eve of the ninth anniversary of the terrorist attacks on Washington and New York, all evidence suggests that the once-sacrosanct nature of a day when candidates used to clear their schedules except for the most solemn and intimate of events and take down their television ads has fundamentally changed.
»While accusations of politicizing Sept. 11 have been a staple of every anniversary, Saturday promises to be nothing if not partisan.
»In New York City, dueling rallies are planned by opponents and supporters of the controversial Islamic center proposed for two blocks from ground zero. In Alaska, tea party superstars Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin are planning a joint appearance in a big Anchorage arena apparently to celebrate their shared conservative faith-based values and commemorate the attacks, while in Washington, a coalition of tea party groups is planning a march on the National Mall. And a small church in Florida has created a firestorm with its plans to burn copies of the Quran.
»But besides these highly publicized events, there’s a subtler change.
»There are countless other more run-of-the-mill political events taking place across the country that wouldn’t raise eyebrows had they turned up on any other campaign season Saturday, but that rarely occurred during any Sept. 11 since the terror attacks.
»From the Arkansas Razorbacks football tailgate party being thrown by Democratic Sen. Blanche Lincoln’s reelection campaign to Washington GOP Senate nominee Dino Rossi’s speech at a Tacoma-area Republican women’s club fundraiser dubbed “Let’s Roll on to Victory” (a take on the exhortation of a passenger on a doomed flight who fought back the hijackers during the 2001 attacks), politicians no longer seem quite as anxious about being seen as treading on the hallowedness of the anniversary.
» “The sanctity of observance tied to events, no matter how catastrophic, tends to erode over time,” said David Birdsell, a political science professor at New York’s Baruch College. “It doesn't take too long and, in this case, we can see a really quite short lead time," he added, contrasting the upcoming anniversary with post-World War I Memorial Day observances.
»Instead, he said partisans have quickly taken Sept. 11 “into the political realm” by channeling the anger, grief and frustration associated with the attacks “and steer(ing) those emotions into the cause you're trying to promote at the time.”»