L’ombre du massacre



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Le massacre de Haditha peut-il devenir, en impact médiatique et en signification symbolique, un nouveau My-Laï ? Les conditions semblent exister pour que ce massacre de 24 civils irakiens à el-Haditha fixe l’opposition à la guerre et le malaise général qui accompagne le conflit à Washington. La réaction des autorités militaires, notamment, renforce cette perception que l’on pourrait se trouver devant un événement de cette sorte : leur crainte qu’Haditha se transforme en scandale majeur renforce la perception dans ce sens.

« The events threaten to land a major blow to the US military’s reputation in Iraq. écrit le Times de Londres. An official investigation has already resulted in the removal of Lieutenant-Colonel Jeffrey Chessani, the commanding officer, and Captain Luke McConnell and Captain James Kimber, two company commanders, from their duties in the 3rd Battalion, 1st Regiment of the 1st Marine Division.


» Fallout from the inquiry, which is expected to be made public next month, is already being felt in Washington and the military establishment in Iraq. One US officer speaking anonymously in Iraq said what happened in al-Haditha was “clearly pretty awful”.

» In Washington, Congressman John Murtha, a former Marine and a harsh critic of the war, said that the episode might prove to be America’s darkest hour in Iraq. “This is the kind of war you have to win the hearts and minds of the people. And we’re set back every time something like this happens. This is worse than Abu Ghraib,” he told ABC television. »

Mis en ligne le 29 mai 2006 à 10H04