Mexico : on recompte la foule



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Petit supplément concernant la manifestation rassemblée par Obrador dimanche dernier à Mexico City. Il vient du site, une nouvelle publiée le jour de la manifestation à partir d’un rapport d’un correspondant à Mexico. Il s’agit de l’importance numérique de cette manifestation, le chiffre cité précédemment étant de 1,2 million de personnes. Il s’agit du double.

« In an absolutely astounding development for the defense of democracy everywhere, Mexico's liberal coalition has led a presidential-vote-recount protest today centered around Mexico City's downtown central plaza (the ''Zocalo'') and has apparently bested the previous record for the largest demonstration ever in Mexico by a million people.

» A bit more under the fold, obviously a still developing story.

» ‘el cid's’ diary : “An estimated 2.4 million people turned out in downtown Mexico City from across the nation. The last biggest demonstration was when the liberal presidential candidate, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (or ‘AMLO’ for short) brought an estimated 1.5 million out to fight a federal government's weak charges to prevent the former Mexico City mayor from running for President.


» “The structure of the protest / meeting was divided, like that of two weeks ago: approximately 350,000 people marched the 14km across Mexico City from a famous monument, who then joined the remainder of the crowd already assembled in the central square and its completely filled side avenues. If the estimates are accurate, then there must have been around 2 million people awaiting the marchers' arrival.” »

Mis en ligne le 1er août 2006 à 13H14