A cause de ses “scandaleuses vérités”, Myers sera sanctionné…



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Comme il était à prévoir, le Dr. Myers, universitaire et analyste au département d’Etat, diseur de vérités exceptionnelles sur les special relationships, sera très probablement sanctionné. Il y a des choses avec lesquelles il ne faut pas jouer, et la vérité, avec les allumettes, est l’une de ces choses.

La langue de bois transatlantique a donc fait son office pour condamner, dans les termes les plus noblement vifs, l’écart inqualifiable du Dr. Myers. Il paraît que ce n’est qu’un type en quête de publicité pour son futur bouquin (c’est l’explication du gouvernement Blair, qui s’y connaît).

Lisez les attendus divers dans The Independent de ce jour même

«The State Department is considering disciplinary action against the analyst at its intelligence unit who delivered a scathing assessment of the so-called “special relationship” between Britain and the US, describing it as “a sad business”, and “totally one-sided, with no payback, no sense of reciprocity”.

»Kendall Myers, a veteran specialist on British and European affairs, has been summoned to explain his remarks by his superiors at the Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Tom Casey, the department's deputy spokesman, said yesterday. The remarks were “ill-informed, and I think, from our perspective, just plain wrong”, said Mr Casey.


»He unfavourably compared Blair's participation in the Iraq war with Harold Wilson's skilful performance more than a generation ago, when he maintained decent relations with the US while refusing to send British troops to Vietnam.

»But Mr Casey flatly rejected those assertions. The two countries “have worked together to successfully deal with some of the most difficult issues before the international community“.

»In London, the Foreign Minister in charge of Iraq policy, Kim Howells, told Sky News: “I don't know if Kendall Myers is trying to sell a book or not. These individuals in Washington have got a great sense of self-importance, they try to lay off this impression that they have got the ear of the President, that they've got this great role.”»

Ils n’ont pas eu Charmley, ils auront Myers.

Mis en ligne le 1er décembre 2006 à 02H44