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1350On a, venue d’une autre source, le renforcement du sentiment d’une réelle popularité en Russie, – étonnante sinon incroyable pour certains, “propagande pure” pour d’autres, – de l’intervention en Syrie, ce sentiment se répercutant évidemment sur la popularité et la légitimité de l’actuelle direction politique. Il s’agit ici de l’appréciation d’Israël Shamir (dans UNZ.com, le 22 octobre 2015), qui n’est pas une source conventionnelle et qui donne un commentaire en général original et bien informé ; en aucun cas, on ne peut le classer dans la catégorie des commentateurs “officiels”, quelque chose comme une simple “voix de son maître”(le maître étant naturellement le Kremlin).
L’appréciation de Shamir confirme le sondage récemment relevé sur la popularité de Poutine : les Russes, dit Shamir, sont aussi heureux et fiers que lorsque, étant Soviétiques, leur pays lança le premier satellite artificiel, le fameux Spoutnik, en octobre 1957. Ce sentiment populaire constitue un facteur important qui, s’il se confirme, doit jouer et jouera un rôle non négligeable d’influence dans la politique russe. Dans tous les cas, il mérite certainement une attention spécifique, et également une analyseparticulière.
« Russians are enjoying their Syrian adventure. Twenty days after its start, their entry into the Syrian war has paid off and brought some dividends. They displayed their military toys and duly impressed other boys in the sandbox. After a long period of despondency the Russians have now been cheered up, thank you, they feel much better, as a man convalescing after a grave disease. They like the pictures of their pilots in American-style top-military-chic overalls, of their exquisite ultra-modern jets, of the sheer audacity of this campaign so far from home. They like the new publicity of their military operations, unprecedented for this country. Their MoD posts videos and allows them to follow the attacks and the hits in real time.
» Putin has been very popular before the war, with 86% support in the ratings, and now his public support has gone through the roof. The best of it, from the Russian point of view, was the daring launch of their 26 brand new Kalibr cruise missiles from a frigate in the Caspian Sea all the way to Syria over the hills and deserts of Iraq and Iran. Though Iraq and Iran had been warned, they did not leak the news to their US partners. The missiles made perfect hits, and military experts say this new class of cruise missiles would allow Russia, if necessary, to take care of the US missile shield installations in neighbouring East European countries. The Russians were pleased as on the day they launched their first Sputnik.
» The Syrian campaign has been so popular that an attempt to organise an anti-war demo failed spectacularly: only one hundred fifty persons gathered, in all of 15 million strong Moscow. By comparison, demos against Ukrainian involvement attracted a few thousand protesters at least... »
Mis en ligne le 26 octobre 2015 à 06H33
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