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1516Il y a beaucoup de bruits de possibilités d’affrontements en Crimée, entre l’Ukraine et la Russie, à la suite d’un grave incident de frontière où les Russes ont eu deux morts à la suite du franchissement de la frontière par des forces spéciales ukrainiennes. C’est à nouveau la possibilité d’un affrontement qui est évoquée, cette fois sur un front nouveau puisque la Crimée est restée en-dehors des combats de 2014-20215 après son rattachement à la Russie de mars 2014.
Peter Lavelle, le présentateur de RT-anglais de l’émission CrossTalk, estime que cette affaire présage de l’ouverture d’une nouvelle phase de la crise ukrainienne, cette fois utilisée comme outil de ce qu’on nomme une “October Surprise” classique dans les élections présidentielles US depuis 1980. Il s’agirait donc d'organiser des provocations permettant de proclamer que la Russie “agresse” (à nouveau) l'Ukraine, cette fois à partir de la Crimée, ce qui serait un comble pour le zèle et la sensibilité morale de la presse-Système. Le but, bien entendu, serait de porter un coup de plus, et un coup fatal espère-t-on, à la campagne électorale de Trump, identifié depuis quelques semaines comme “agent du Kremlin” et donc complice-à-venir de l'“agression” russe. On peut noter également que cette résurgence de tension entre Ukraine et Russie, venue d’Ukraine et donc seulement avec l’autorisation sinon les encouragements et les ordres US, intervient à l’heure d’une courbe de rapprochement entre la Turquie et de la Russie, et peut donc éventuellement être d’un bon usage pour contrarier cette dynamique, – cela, à tout hasard disons.
Le texte de Lavelle se trouve dans The, le 11 juillet...
« Washington’s plan to pull Ukraine into the western obit in single and quick surgical operation has been an unmitigated disaster. But it was never been about Ukraine and its people. Today Ukraine is an economic basket case, a country that has little control of its borders and sovereignty, and an embarrassment for the EU. The overall strategic aim by Washington and some of its fanatical European accolades was to present Russia with a security dilemma: invade and occupy Ukraine resulting in overwhelming western opprobrium or accept a whole Ukraine in the western camp hostile to Russia. Neither scenario panned out (when was the last time Washington actually tried to pull off something on the world stage that didn’t result in catastrophe?). The result has been a stalemate. Washington can’t stand stalemates, particularly when it comes to Russia. Alas, Ukraine’s western sponsor elites still have an opportunity to pimp their country and people in service of Washington (and inflict a political body blow on the Trump campaign).
» Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko is said to be a very corrupt “oligarch” who has profited from his country’s extreme economic woes. He declared war against his own people in the eastern part of the country (where ethnic Russians and Russian speakers live). He likes to play the role of Ukrainian mascot when western leaders convene. He is also Washington’s man in Kiev. And he is in the position to offer some favors. I am betting he will deliver.
» Since Trump is designated as Putin’s American agent, then playing the “Ukraine card” is a logical assumption for an “October Surprise.” The Trump campaign is wary of sending more military assistance to Ukraine – remember Ukraine is not a member of NATO and the situation in Ukraine in no way threatens America’s security, nor that of Europe’s. But in the world politics facts hardly get in the way of personal ambitions. Poroshenko and his government have been waging a low-level war of skirmishes and cross border attacks on Crimea and the breakaway regions in eastern Ukraine. The American public is already well conditioned to accept all of this is Russia’s fault. What is now needed and is probably being planned is a manufactured incident to make it look like Russia attacked and invaded Ukraine. The American public will be rallied with the usual mantra “something must be done” and the Trump campaign will be left flat footed, red faced, and denounced. Joe McCarthy will smile with glee from the grave.
» Sounds like fiction? If it does, then you simply have not been paying attention – this is how Washington thinks and works. »
Mis en ligne le 12 août 2016 à 08H47