A propos de DSK, presse US contre presse française

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A propos de DSK, presse US contre presse française

L’arrestation de DSK est l’occasion d’une violente controverse entre la presse US et la presse française, sur la façon dont la seconde a longtemps traité (ou s’est abstenue de traiter) le “cas DSK”. Du cas particulier, on passe au cas général et la polémique concerne les comportements habituels des deux presses et des deux systèmes nationaux en général. Il y a de fortes interférences des intérêts politiques dans ces attitudes. Il s'agit d'un cas intéressant d'affrontement fratricide, comme le cas DSK lui-même d'ailleurs; les deux presses qui s'affrontent sont également des presses-Système qui, en général, font la promotion du Système.

Il faut noter que, de ce point de vue de l’affaire DSK, on doit plus parler de la presse américaniste que de la presse anglo-saxonne. On trouve beaucoup d’exemples, dans la presse britannique, d’analyses neutres, voire d’analyses de défense de la France (voir Adrian Hamilton).

«Since Dominique Strauss-Kahn's arrest on allegations of sexual assault, the French media have been under pressure. They are accused, chiefly by the US press, of cowardly observing a "code of silence" over politicians' private lives; of either burying or failing to properly investigate the Socialist presidential frontrunner's long-rumoured predatory nature toward women. […]

»The chasm between the US and French media was clear in a row over images of Strauss-Kahn since his arrest. The IMF head was filmed unshaven and in handcuffs being escorted by New York police before his court appearance. These images were broadcast all over the world – except in France, where one of Strauss-Kahn's lawyers threatened legal action against channels broadcasting them. The CSA, the government's media watchdog, warned to use "the greatest restraint" in broadcasting them because the French law on presumption of innocence does not allow suspects to be shown in handcuffs.

»French state TV has since made limited use of the scenes of Strauss-Kahn in court and is now avoiding the handcuffed shots. Other French channels said it would be absurd not to use them when they were broadcast online and across the world. [...]

»US media have criticised the French for showing more compassion for Strauss-Kahn than for the alleged rape victim, whose identity some French newspapers have published. The feminist French lawyer Gisèle Halimi, praised the US justice system, which she said protected women's dignity. “I am convinced that if this affair had taken place in France, we would never have heard anything about it,” she told Le Parisien.»
