A propos des “vieux sales trucs” de Bush, cette fois pour l’Iran, Kucinich reparle de destitution



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Le démocrate Kucinich, député à la Chambre des Représentants et adversaire anti-guerre de GW Bush, a renouvelé vendredi dernier sa menace d’une procédure de destitution contre GW Bush en cas d’attaque contre l’Iran. Cette fois, à la différence de la première fois où il l’a fait, il est évident que les événements et la crainte qu’on se trouve sur la voie de cette attaque guident l’avertissement de Kucinich.

Le site RAW Story en donnait quelques détails vendredi dernier.

«Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) says the White House is “up to its old tricks” as it preparess for a U.S. attack on Iran, according to a press release. The 2008 Democratic presidential candidate warns that Bush's actions could result in impeachment.

»Kucinich accuses the Bush administration “of mounting a media blitz to prepare the U.S. public for an eventual attack on Iran,” according to the release, which cites a report that the President authorized the military to kill Iranians operating inside Iraq.

»“The White House is up to its old tricks again,“ says Kucinich, accusing the administration of “providing information by anonymous sources and portraying Iran as an aggressor in Iraq.” He continues, “The President is mischaracterizing U.S. action vis à vis Iran. In fact, the U.S. is already engaged in offensive and provocative acts against Iran. The President's strategy, by portraying our involvement as only being on the defensive, is laying out the groundwork for him to attack Iran and bypass authorization by Congress.”

»The six-term Congressmember, a long-time advocate for peace, blasts “the White House spin machine” for “providing justification for a new war ... against Iran.” He adds, “The Washington Post is quoting strategically placed Administration sources who are providing justification for an attack... This new twist on Iran, a country this Administration refuses to have free and open diplomatic talks with, is stating the Administration's case for war.”»

L’avertissement de Kucinich vaut d’être signalé (rappelé) parce qu’il entre bien dans la logique qui conduit aux inquiétudes européennes actuelles concernant la possibilité d’une attaque de l’Iran par GW Bush.

Mis en ligne le 31 janvier 2007 à 07H41