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544L’évangéliste Pat Robertson revient sur le sujet, signale Media Matters for America le 3 février. Quel sujet ? Eh bien, liquider Chavez, bien entendu. Robertson a choisi Fox.News, sa chaîne favorite, pour s’en expliquer. Humaniste, Robertson n’est pas pour l’assassinat immédiat, « but one day, one day, one day… » Pourquoi la liquidation de Chavez? Mais pour éviter le pire, — parce que, comme tout le monde le sait, Chavez est en train d’affûter ses armes nucléaires pour tirer sur l’Amérique, précisément sur la région du Golfe du Mexique et ce sera bien pire que Katrina, on n’imagine pas. On observera la réticence de Paterson, poussé dans ses derniers retranchements, obligé d’admettre qu’il faudrait bien en arriver à la méthode expéditive, mais avec tant de regrets, — qui sont ceux sans aucun doute ceux de l’humaniste.
Comme l’on sait, ce n’est pas la première fois que Robertson suggère d’assassiner Chavez. Ci-dessous, le dialogue de Fox.News du 2 février.
COLMES: Should Chavez be assassinated?
ROBERTSON: Well, one day he's going to be aiming nuclear weapons; and what's coming across the Gulf isn't going to be Katrina, it's going to be his nukes.
COLMES: Would you feel better going back to the original comment that if he were assassinated, the world would be a safer place?
ROBERTSON: I think South America would. He is — he is — got hit squads. He's a very dangerous man.
COLMES: So, you're not taking back the comment. You believe assassination of Hugo Chavez would be in the best interests of the world.
ROBERTSON: Well, rather than going to war. One day, we're going to have to go to war, I'm afraid, if he continues his policy, you know. But, I don't know. I wrote him a letter. I apologized to him.
COLMES: But, wait a minute. If you say you apologized to him, what you just said seems to contravene that, because you just now said...
ROBERTSON: I know. I know.
COLMES: think it'd be better if he be assassinated.
ROBERTSON: Alan, the whole thing we've got to deal with is that, one day, if he continues his course of trying to mobilize Marxist powers in South America, it's going to be a clear...
COLMES: He's very popular with his country.
ROBERTSON: Well, yes and no. But he does...
HANNITY: He's building up weapons against the United States, isn't he?
COLMES: He's extremely popular. Eighty-percent of his country...
ROBERTSON: He's also calling for the destruction of George Bush. He calls him a war criminal.
COLMES: Do you want him taken out?
ROBERTSON: Not now, but one day, one day, one day. My premise is, and I think as... you know, until that comment came out, everybody thought Chavez [added link: Cesare Chavez] was a fellow having to do with table grapes in California. Now...
HANNITY: I think one thing we could say is, the world would be better off without him where he is, because he is a danger to the United States.
ROBERTSON: Extreme danger.
Mis en ligne le 5 février 2006 à 17H49