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740Un incident dans le Golfe Persique entre des navires iraniens et des bâtiment de l’U.S. Navy ramène l’attention sur la situation dans la région et fait renaître la possibilité d’une tension explosive. L’incident, jusqu’ici rapporté selon la version du Pentagone, a été très proche de l’affrontement. Selon The Independent d’aujourd’hui.
«The US and Iran have engaged in their most serious military confrontation in recent times, with American warships on the verge of opening fire on gunboats of the Revolutionary Guards which had threatened to blow them up.
»The incident, details of which were confirmed by the Pentagon yesterday, came on the eve of President George Bush's visit to the Middle East and follows claims by US commanders in the Persian Gulf that Iran was trying to destablise the region.
»The three US ships and five Iranian vessels clashed in the early hours of Sunday in the Strait of Hormuz, the stretch of water where a 15-strong British naval party was taken hostage by the Revolutionary Guards last year. American officials at the time said that a similar attempt to seize their personnel would have led to immediate retaliation.
»The Pentagon claimed the American ships were in international waters, although the demarcation of the border between Iran and Iraq on the Strait remains a matter of dispute. An American official said that the Revolutionary Guards boats “swarmed” to within 200 metres of the USS Port Royal, destroyer USS Hopper and frigate USS Ingraham and the Iranians transmitted a radio message saying: “I am coming at you; you will explode in a couple of minutes”.
»The captain of one of the US vessels was “literally moments away” from giving the order to open fire when the Iranian vessels moved away, American officials said. The Iranian boats were observed before the stand-off, dropping “small white containers” into the water, the Americans said, an exercise for laying mines.»
L’incident intervient au moment où GW Bush entreprend une tournée au Moyen-Orient. Le rapport est fait par certains entre les deux événement et, à nouveau, on reparle d’une tension dans la région, – en même temps qu’on redécouvre l’existence de GW Bush éclipsé par le fiévreux début de la campagne US des primaires. L’importance qu’on essaie de donner au voyage de Bush est également renforcée par les rumeurs sur l’intention des Israéliens (du ministre de la défense Barak) d’exposer à Bush des précisions sur des plans d’attaque israéliens contre l’Iran. (Un de nos lecteurs retranscrit dans le Forum, à la date du 6 janvier, l’article du Sunday Times sur cette affaire.)
D’autre part, il semble que les Israéliens eux-mêmes soient divisés. Il apparaît que le nouveau ministre de la défense, Barak, qui n’a jamais brillé par ses capacités d’analyse, aient embrassé une position si extrémiste que certains le classent “à droite de Benyamin Netanyahou”. Au contraire, d’autres politiciens israéliens prennent leur distance de cette position, comme c’est le cas du président d’Israël Shimon Pères. Une dépêche AFP, reprise le 7 janvier par RAW Story, signale une interview de Pères fort peu notée, d’il y a deux semaines, où Pères juge l’option de la guerre improbable et suggère qu’un remplacement de l’actuel président iranien par un modéré pourrait constituer une solution.
«Two weeks ago, however, Israeli President Shimon Peres said he did not believe a war with Iran would be necessary but called for the end of the current government in Tehran.
»Peres told the German daily Sueddeutsche Zeitung that Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was dangerous for Israel and the region but that other means could be used to contain the threat.
»“I do not think that a war with Iran is necessary,” he said when asked if he supported a military strike against the country. “Ahmadinejad can be deposed by other means. Sanctions have revealed themselves to be a very effective instrument. Sanctions, not war, did away with North Korea's nuclear weapons.”
»He said he did not believe the Iranian people wanted to destroy Israel or develop nuclear arms. “The majority is not ready to trade Allah and Mohammed for enriched uranium. Those that, like Iran, threaten the future of humanity have no future themselves. We will survive Ahmadinejad.”»
Enfin, la même dépêche détaille la position des services de renseignement israéliens vis-à-vis de la NIE 2007 de la communauté du renseignement US. Elle signale que, selon certaines sources, les différences entre les deux appréciations seraient plus faibles que ce qu’on avait d’abord affirmé:
«A secret cabinet discussion at the “Prime Minister's Office [yesterday] was aimed at examining whether Israel had different evidence than the Americans,” YNetNews reported. During the discussion it was made clear that more than 90% of the intelligence information possessed by Israel was identical to the information presented to the American president.
»“Nonetheless, the additional information does not confirm that Tehran resumed its secret activity to create military nuclear capabilities after 2003,” the publication added. “Although the Israeli information points to suspicions that this is in fact Iran's intention, its does not contain enough evidence which will allow Bush to return to Washington with information which will lead to firm action by the international community.”»
Mis en ligne le 8 janvier 2008 à 10H15
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