Bibi en direct

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Bibi en direct

Une vidéo inédite de Netanyahou (dit Bibi), datant de 2001, nous a révélé d’une façon candide et directe tout ce que l’actuel Premier ministre israélien pensait (pense) de diverses choses, – des USA, “faciles à manipuler”, – des accords d’Oslo, qu’il a sabotés, – etc., toutes dans le même sens. Toutes les affirmations des chroniqueurs non professionnels de l’information dissidente en réseaux, si violemment dénoncées par les professionnels de la presse officielle et au grand jour, sont largement confirmées. Pas de surprise.

Ce qui est une surprise, par contre, c’est de voir cet homme politique confier des jugements aussi crus à une famille d’une personne tuée dans un affrontement avec des Palestiniens, qu’il ne semble pas connaître. Bibi a été filmé “à l’insu de son plein gré”. On trouve divers commentaires de la chose, dont celui de Justin Raimondo, le 19 juillet 2010 sur, et celui de Jonathan Cook, le 19 juillet 2010 sur The Dissident Voice, – auquel nous empruntons ces extraits.

«There is one video Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, must be praying never gets posted on YouTube with English subtitles. To date, the 10-minute segment has been broadcast only in Hebrew on Israel’s Channel 10.

»Its contents, however, threaten to gravely embarrass not only Mr Netanyahu but also the US administration of Barack Obama.

»The film was shot, apparently without Mr Netanyahu’s knowledge, nine years ago, when the government of Ariel Sharon had started reinvading the main cities of the West Bank to crush Palestinian resistance in the early stages of the second intifada.

»At the time, Mr Netanyahu had taken a short break from politics but was soon to join Mr Sharon’s government as finance minister.

»On a visit to a home in the settlement of Ofra in the West Bank to pay condolences to the family of a man killed in a Palestinian shooting attack, he makes a series of unguarded admissions about his first period as prime minister, from 1996 to 1999.

»Seated on a sofa in the house, he tells the family that he deceived the US president of the time, Bill Clinton, into believing he was helping implement the Oslo accords, the US-sponsored peace process between Israel and the Palestinians, by making minor withdrawals from the West Bank while actually entrenching the occupation. He boasts that he thereby destroyed the Oslo process.

»He dismisses the US as “easily moved to the right direction” and calls high levels of popular American support for Israel “absurd”.

»He also suggests that, far from being defensive, Israel’s harsh military repression of the Palestinian uprising was designed chiefly to crush the Palestinian Authority led by Yasser Arafat so that it could be made more pliable for Israeli diktats.

»All of these claims have obvious parallels with the current situation, when Mr Netanyahu is again Israel’s prime minister facing off with a White House trying to draw him into a peace process that runs counter to his political agenda.»