Bienvenue sur, Omnivore Sobriquet!

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Bienvenue sur, Omnivore Sobriquet!

5 septembre 2005 — Hier, le 4 septembre 2004, nous recevons un message signé “Omnivore Sobriquet”, qui est également l’énoncé de l’adresse e-mail (courriel).

Le message est le suivant :

« Très cher monsieur Dedefensa,

» Ai fait beaucoup de ronds dans mon salon ces deux derniers jours... Pas mal de vent aussi... Je ne peux résister à vous envoyer mon ch'ti “STORM!”, à votre bonne reading, inspiré de vos dedefenseries, évidemment, et aussi d'autres (Israel Adam Shamir par exemple)

» Ce n'est pas exactement calme, ni limité... modeste encore moins.

» Bon courage ! »

Le message est sympathique. Le texte s’est révélé, comme “Omnivore Sobriquet” l’annonçait, plein de feu, de colère et de fureur, style haché et rythmé, — un texte à la mesure de ce temps historique terrible que nous vivons, un texte qui dit beaucoup de son auteur également, — bref, un texte d’humeur qui mérite publication. Voilà qui est fait.

Qui est “Omnivore Sobriquet” ? Respectons son anonymat. (Nous pencherions pour un Américain vivant en France [Varennes sur Allier?], à cause du texte et du libellé du courriel.)

Place au texte d’“Omnivore Sobriquet”.

Storm! — Virtual Washingtonia exploding mid-air.

By Omnivore Sobriquet, 4th of September 2005

American public opinion is appalled, the world watches in disbelief.

I suppose that by the time this present text is out, loud and triumphant communiqués will already have been issued, about ''situation under control'', and near civil war ''quelled''. (if not ''Mission accomplished''.) I will simply not believe them. More so, political implications, and moral considerations, effects, are just beginning. This is 'the' event. Exposing virtual progress, virtual 'nation-building', virtual fundings even, lacking foundations.

This is now all too obvious, the song is over.

On my Internet screen, stunned wanders in disarray. Some organized media-calls for ''a real leader'', mental propaganda against Blacks. In the crazy hope to keep the grab on our commitments. Palpable vertigo, some easy bushrants, Nero and the guitar, Clinton and Dad fundraising, consternation.

Artificial conditioning unplugged. Consumers' society. What society ? Pseudo-society depending on fast-flux distribution businesses? Now gone. Being it at the caprice of one chairman or CEO, 'transferring' business from one spot to some other one, for some technofinancial reason linked to its quasi monopolistic global soulless 'merges', and 'spot' finds itself without shoes, or without drinks, power why not, if a maintenance cost happens to be required soon. Or better moneymaking opportunities elsewhere, simply. We're bound to this. A society ? That ? And if it's a nature's caprice. Challenging foundations. We soon find after mere days ''numerous police officers turning in their badges'', because ''They indicated that they had lost everything and didn't feel that it was worth them going back to take fire from looters and losing their lives'' (colonel Henry Whitehorn.[1])

Blacks ? The Black way, yes, probably. Nothing more.

Don't we forget that slight increase in our insurance payments to follow-up steadily, after some US taxpayers' first 'pull out', it will have to be massive. Thanks to the barbaric destruction of Earth's natural defences, or at least 'buffers', as every elderly folks have always told, and were listened to, having a role in a society, they too. Beautiful and free defences at that, if a bit Bayou spirited. Payments to cover for the extended costs of non-civilization, and, of course, 'future trends'.

''It's our tsunami''. Oh yes. Oh yes it is. It is the big show of atomised savagery, wild fights for mafia-control of already ruined areas, already wrecked valuables, heaps of smashed dishes, throw-away dishes 'ma chérie' probably, and chunks of worthless DVD players with their 'high priced' logo brands intact, and punctured tires quibble rifle games. It's the glaring display of a so-called 'state' that cannot sort it out on how to build earthy dykes within due time, with millions of unemployed right there at hand, and also 'stealth' budgets at stratospheric heights for decades. (a french fighter pilot, Constantin Feldzer, wrote [2] that in 1939 when the 'red alert' orders came, one couldn't find a single butt around to adjust their weapons... One and one only was finally found across the country and the whole air force had to defile there during days. His analysis : ''one could turn the problem 'round and 'round, impossible to stick a juicy contract on a firing-butt.'' Gas throttles of the Moranes where plated with ivory.) (To your reading attentions.)

There was roughly zero rape in the aftermath of that appalling tsunami this winter, but consumers' frustration-land is showing off its paper-thick sense of common values, from fist fights up the scale, its wannado ''beyond history'' strength (Alan Greenspan 1998) — even the first pig was more Wally —, showing also the demonstrable noxiousness of modern western educational methods, demonstrably atrophying a whole left brain (prof. Lucien Israel, peer reviewed, ten years ago), 'learning' to read through fast passing envies. What's good for big business and castes of shamans may not lead to a society. Civil war is more like it, as a result, especially when TV's out.

And here we go, on the screen in Varennes sur Allier, France: Hundreds of National Guard troops hardened on the battlefield in Iraq have landed in New Orleans.

''They have M-16s and they're locked and loaded,'' she [Governor Kathleen Blanco]said. ''These troops know how to shoot and kill, and they are more than willing to do so, and I expect they will.'' [1]

Now please, reader, imagine a minute. Imagine what these troopers think. They all know that Iraq is a quagmire, they know that wrecking blind a nation is what they had been sent for, that they have been deceived, that organized population is their enemy, simply put, that some 'US military men' place bombs in some cars themselves, that.

It's a bloody swindle. Triggered by cellar mythomaniacs. Obsessed by tokens on the marble, or Madonna's left foot, palace-wide obsessions for privileges to the 'envied' backroom, needing an empire to live on. Unable to discern Humanity where it is.

And now they're announced that civil war rages on New Orleans, — ''grave troubles'' wouldn't need them from where they are —, that they're sent there at once, for 'action', that it's sparkling at home now, that it's home's turn, ''Blacks'' this time.

And I'll tell you what, it is not going to stop here. We — Americans or friends of Americans, of true America, free, safe and 'naïve', yet rednecked or lefty-cheeked as we're all now, living all in ''First ROW'' just the same —, are from now on facing the ugly alternative between an awful gastric anarchy or an openly military, imperial, shoot-on-spot, stormed tight by ever patrolling street squads of imported drugged-out GIs. NewWorldOrder. Or hubris soaked, in caves celebrating washingtonia-la-petite. The horrors of Liberia against the horrors of, well. Third Reich ? Weimar Republic? what ?

We Americans are born to refuse that.

Non !

Now, the US tsunami is going to be a truly american waving... Even the New York Times succumbed to the trend. No, no, and no.

We want society, we want civilization. It's societies we want, it's civilizations we want. One here, others there. Not one global empire that cannot dig out the subtleties of the various worlds, that one unique one which holds an ugly, frail, polluting and potentially dangerous warehouse or shopping mall as its best development tool, its finest arch, when they're temples of the dependency and of the full christianman's frustration. Worshipping a material object, a figure, a piece of paper, worshipping power of the power, erasing any other way of life. Real America is good, global empire is bad. And it shows. With its inspiring force closer to Judaism than anything I can think of, don't take it personal, unique washingtonia swells on sub humans' hypnoses, on collections of misjudged souls, on servitude, on systematic expansion and digestion, plunders men and nature in a hurry to barricade from that 'necessary population reduction' it auto-generates. What we have to deal with is a bizarro attempt at a non-civilized empire, where social pulverization, soullessness, childish jealousies and finally street fights are the 'building components'. So coarsely advertised by that 'empire's nervous system, the paranoiac main media. (Including 'visuals'.) And their servants.

Ask a Chinese peasant, ask a Kazakhstan's notable, an Indian 'hot line'sufferer.

Ask me. Ask yourself.

Give me pure sanctuaries, and give me rich mixtures. All we want is a power home and some grounds for fleeting and magnificent exchange dynamics, among stable neighbours. Real societies materialize then. Let's think of a healthy, intrinsically stable multipolar world, based on the beautiful civilizations brought about already by higher-aiming men, and down with virtual-washingtonia!

A storm... Yes just a storm. I remember that strange sandstorm on the first days of Iraq's ''shock and awe'' session. It was just a bad feeling then.

[1] “Massive explosions rock New Orleans”. By Allen G. Breed, Associated Press, September 2, 2005.

[2] In his (crazy!) life account : ''On y va!'' (here we go!), published in the early nineties. Sorry, I cannot remember the publisher nor the page number.