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821RAW Story (le 29 juin 2010) relève des remarques de Bill Clinton, ce week-end, lors d’une interview télévisée en Afrique du Sud. Clinton y parle de la nécessité d’une intervention violente pour boucher la fuite de pétrole du “oil spill”, par explosion. Il discute l’“option nucléaire” (l’emploi d’une petite bombe nucléaire) déjà évoquée ici et là, et s’y montre plutôt défavorable. Pour Clinton, il s’agit de la nécessité d’une intervention des forces armées US pour reprendre en main la crise, qui est actuellement sous le contrôle de BP. On peut envisager que Clinton parle à partir de certaines informations précises, en raison de ses connexions officielles évidentes.
Deux remarques : l’intervention de Bill Clinton peut être comprise comme une critique indirecte sévère du gouvernement Obama, pour laisser l’affaire dans les mains de BP ; elle peut être comprise également, et parallèlement, comme l’affirmation indirecte que le problème du oil spill du Golfe du Mexique est loin d’être contrôlé, encore moins d’être résolu, qu’il s’agit d’une question qui pourrait redevenir explosive, – outre la suggestion sur le fait même, d’un point de vue politiquement également.
(Beaucoup de commentaires intéressants avec cette nouvelles de RAW Story, en plus de la vidéo de l’interview de Bill Clinton.)
«Little noticed comments from former President Bill Clinton over the weekend which he made in South Africa are perhaps – well – a bit explosive. “Unless we send the Navy down deep to blow up the well and cover the leak with piles and piles and piles of rock and debris, which may become necessary – you don't have to use a nuclear weapon by the way, I've seen all that stuff, just blow it up – unless we're going to do that, we are dependent on the technical expertise of these people from BP,” Clinton said.
»Clinton was speaking about British Petroleum's efforts to staunch a massive leak that erupted after one of the oil rigs it was leasing blew up Apr. 20. His remarks about the explosion solution come at about 2:30 into the recording...
»Matt Simmons, founder of energy investment bank Simmons & Company, suggested earlier this month that the US military could close the drill hole with a nuclear weapon. “Probably the only thing we can do is create a weapons system and send it down 18,000 feet and detonate it, hopefully encasing the oil,” he said.
»His idea echoes that of a Russian newspaper that earlier this month suggested the US detonate a small nuclear bomb to seal the oil beneath the sea… […]
»Critics of Clinton's plan have told Fox that BP is resisting the option because blowing up the well would ensure they could get no more oil.
»“If we demolish the well using explosives, the investment's gone,” former submarine officer and nuclear policy scholar at Columbia University Christopher Brownfield told Fox News in May. “They lose hundreds of millions of dollars from the drilling of the well, plus no lawmaker in his right mind would allow BP to drill again in that same spot. So basically, it's an all-or-nothing thing with BP: They either keep the well alive, or they lose their whole investment and all the oil that they could potentially get from that well.”»