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847Philip Geraldi, ancien analyste de la CIA passé à la dissidence et au commentaire éclairé, explore un sujet désormais promis à être un classique (le 23 juin 2010 sur : comment l’hystérie américaniste-neocon, avec soutien éclectique d’Israël, envisage-t-elle de punir la Turquie de ses divers crimes de lèse-majesté ? (Il y a certes son attitude vis-à-vis de l’Iran mais, surtout, son attaque furieuse et déloyale, cette sorte de “Pearl Harbor du Moyen-Orient” de la “flottille de la paix” contre un Israël qui vivait paisiblement dans la paix et la concorde.) La Turquie est désormais tombée, à Washington, dans la classification des méchants, candidat potentiel à l’“axe du Mal”, disons à la place laissée vacante par l’Irak enfin rétablie dans sa splendeur démocratique et américaniste.
Nous sommes dans le domaine des narrative diverses, et Geraldi nous régale des diverses manifestations de la nouvelle paranoïa qui s’installe à Washington.
«As the popular narrative in the media has unfolded, Turkey was the aggressor and Israel yet again the victim. Turkey now has to be punished. Congress is already considering passing the frequently shelved Armenian Genocide resolution and Representative Mike Spence warns “There will be a cost if Turkey stays on its present heading of growing closer to Iran and more antagonistic to the State of Israel.” Representative Shelley Berkley agrees, saying that she would actively oppose Turkey’s attempt to join the European Union. Just exactly how she will do that is not completely clear.
»The American media and the punditry in Washington has obediently been lining up to condemn Ankara, using two basic arguments. The first contention is that Turkey has become a stronghold of Islamism, is edging towards a political and economic alliance with Iran, and is even acting friendly to terrorism-supporting neighbors like Syria. The second narrative is that Turkey is no longer reliable due to its support of initiatives like the flotilla and also its bid to negotiate a solution to the Iranian nuclear program dilemma.»
Bien entendu, c’est du côté des neocons que se manifeste la plus grande originalité dans les propositions de riposte contre l’agressivité turque et les sombres projets que les dirigeants turcs entretiennent contre Israël. (Voyez le fameux discours du président iranien et vous aurez compris le programme.) D’où ce passage sur l’agitation spasmodisue et effrénée des neocons… Il serait effectivement très intéressant pour nos diverses chroniques si les neocons et les divers lobbyistes auxquels l’on pense parvenaient à faire voter au Congrès une motion demandant l’expulsion de la Turquie de l’OTAN.
«The hysteria about Turkey is, if anything, more intense at the various neocon think tanks and in their websites on the internet where leading supporters of Israel are calling not only for punishing Turkey but also for kicking it out of NATO. The Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA) has led the charge. JINSA is the home base of leading neocons to include John Bolton, Michael Ledeen, Joshua Muravchik, Richard Perle and Kenneth Timmerman. A JINSA report issued on June 8th cited Turkey for its “anti-Semitic ravings” and recommended that Washington “seriously consider suspending military cooperation…as a prelude to removing it” from NATO. The hue and cry was shortly thereafter picked up by the other neocon heroes who continue to feature on the mainstream media in spite of their inability to get anything right. The National Review Online’s Victor Davis Hanson called Turkey a “…sponsor of Hamas, ally of theocratic Iran, and fellow traveler with terrorist sponsoring Syria” conditions that are “antithetical to its NATO membership.’ Professor Eliot Cohen of Johns Hopkins University added in a June 7th Wall Street Journal op-ed that “A combination of Islamist rule, resentment at exclusion from Europe, and a neo-Ottomanist ideology that envisions Turkey as a great power in the Middle East have made Turkey a state that is often plainly hostile not only to Israel but to American aims and interests.”
»In a Weekly Standard article on June 21st, Elliot Abrams chimed in with more of the same, observing that “it’s obvious that our formerly reliable NATO ally Turkey has become a staunch supporter of the radical camp. In the flotilla incident, it not only sided with but also sought to strengthen the terrorist group Hamas.” As always the neocons speak with one voice in defense of Israel, making it appear that the entire process is orchestrated, which, of course, it is. Will the neocons marginalize Ankara and succeed in forcing Turkey out of NATO? Difficult to say, but one should fully expect moves by Congress to do just that or to pressure Turkey in such a way as to make Ankara withdraw from the alliance.»