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642On connaît la fameuse technique de Grigori Aleksandrovitch Potemkine, l’amant de Catherine II de Russie, qui garnissait les visites de l'impératrice en province de villages pimpants pour lui faire croire à la prospérité de son empire. C’est peut-être une légende, mais la “technique Potemkine” de BP, elle, n’en est pas une.
Voici, d’un canard local, sur son site, de La Nouvelle Orléans, la description des préparatifs de BP sur la plage pollué que devait visiter Barack Obama au cours de sa visite en Louisiane.
(Lien à
«Officials from Jefferson Parish claim BP bused 400 cleanup workers into Grand Isle on Friday in time for a visit from President Barack Obama.
»Jefferson Parish Councilman John Young said the workers were brought in to clean oil off Grand Isle's beaches. The extra workers were brought in for Friday only, at a rate of $12 an hour, officials told WDSU. They were mostly from Terrebonne and Lafourche parishes.
»Jefferson Parish Councilman Chris Roberts didn’t buy into the cleanup effort. “They must think we're all fools,” he said. Roberts called BP's efforts “shameful.”
»“The level of cleanup and cooperation from BP in the last week in no way compares to the effort shown on the island today,” Roberts said. “This is a total shame that a mockery has been made of this visit by the executives of BP.”
»During a visit Friday to Louisiana, Obama toured a beach where tar balls are washing ashore and attended a briefing at a Coast Guard station in Grand Isle.
»Roberts said that since oil started coming ashore in Grand Isle last week, no more than a dozen workers hired by BP have been seen on the beaches in the area, until Friday when the president arrived. “I've heard estimates of 300-500 people there today,” Roberts said. “They were given T-shirts and pants and handed a shovel and taken to the beach.”»