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600Le Pentagone ne cache pas sa satisfaction de voir le recrutement retrouver des niveaux satisfaisants. Désormais, les quotas de recrutement sont rencontrés, voire dépassés. Quelle est la cause de cette amélioration ? Rien de plus simple, malheureusement, et une méthode bien classique : l’abaissement des critères de recrutement.
La chose est expliquée en détails dans le Baltimore Sun (et repris dans le Fort Wayne Journal) : « The Army met its recruiting goal for November by again accepting a high percentage of recruits who scored in the lowest category on the military’s aptitude tests, Pentagon officials said Thursday, raising renewed concerns that the quality of the all-volunteer force will suffer.
» The Army exceeded its 5,600 recruit goal by 256 for November, while the Army Reserve brought in 1,454 recruits, exceeding its target by 112. To do so, they accepted a “double digit” percentage of recruits who scored between 16 and 30 out of a possible 99 on the military’s aptitude test, said officials who requested anonymity.
» Last month, the Baltimore Sun reported that the Army reached its recruiting goals in October by accepting 12 percent from these low scorers, known as Category IV recruits. The Army may accept no more than 4 percent annually, according to Defense Department rules. While officials last month disclosed the percentage accepted in October, Thursday they refused to reveal the November figure. »
Mis en ligne le 17 décembre 2005 à 08H21