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774Nouvelle montée de tension à Washington, d’ailleurs en développement depuis deux ou trois semaines. Cette fois, la déclaration de l’amiral Mullen, président du JCS, selon laquelle le Pentagone a des plans d’attaque prêts contre l’Iran est la cause de la montée de fièvre. Bien que cette déclaration n’apprenne rien de nouveau, puisque le Pentagone a toujours des plans d’attaque prêts, elle est la cause de nouvelles spéculations sur la forme et les conditions de l’attaque.
Le Washington Times donne la parole aux “experts”, d’un calibre assez proche de celui que décrit Justin Raimondo. L’article est du 2 août 2010, et il fait la part belle aux bombardiers de l’USAF. Tout y est, – les missiles qui tapent là où il faut, le nombre d’objectifs devenus soudain très réduits, la “révolution de velours” qui met parallèlement à bas les mollahs et ainsi de suite.
«A Pentagon strike against Iran would rely heavily on the B-2 bomber and cruise missiles to try to destroy the regime's ability to make nuclear weapons, analysts say, after the top U.S. military officer said a war plan is in place. The missiles, fired from surface ships, submarines and B-52 bombers, would take out air defenses and nuclear-related facilities.
»The B-2s would drop tons of bombs, including ground penetrators, onto fortified and buried sites where Tehran is suspected of enriching uranium to fuel the weapons and working on warheads. “It will be primarily an air attack with covert work to start a ‘velvet’ revolution so [the] Iranian people can take back their country,” said retired Air Force Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney, a former fighter pilot.
»Gen. McInerney said B-2s would fly over Iran while cruise missiles would be fired off shore. The operation would last several days, he said.
»John Pike, a military analyst who runs Global Security.org, said that although Iran has many potential targets, only about a half-dozen facilities are so critical that, if destroyed, would set back the program significantly.
»“Almost all are in isolated areas where civilian casualties would not be much of a problem,” Mr. Pike said. “Most of them have co-located staff housing. Bomb the housing, kill the staff, set back the program by a generation.”
»His website's scenario states: “American air strikes on Iran would vastly exceed the scope of the 1981 Israeli attack on the Osiraq nuclear center in Iraq, and would more resemble the opening days of the 2003 air campaign against Iraq. Using the full force of operational B-2 stealth bombers, staging from Diego Garcia or flying direct from the United States … two-dozen suspect nuclear sites would be targeted.”»
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