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508Le site The Daily Bell (Londres) est clairement de tendance libertarienne et suit d’une façon très critique l’évolution du Système. Même si ses conceptions économiques sont évidement libertariennes, c’est-à-dire du plus extrême libéralisme libre-échangiste et pour l’abolition des systèmes étatiques, la logique de ces positions idéologiques en fait un adversaire acharné du Système, de l’“anglosphère” et des élites mondialisées.
De même, Daily Bell est un partisans sans concession de Ron Paul. Il suit au jour le jour le parcours du candidat républicain (libertarien) US et dénonce tout aussi quotidiennement le complot ourdi contre lui par l’establishment républicain. Les dernières nouvelles à cet égard sont édifiantes (de Daily Bell, le 28 septembre 2011).
«It's getting ugly out there. We've advanced the theory that the Anglosphere power elite will finally just give up and anoint libertarian Congressman Ron Paul as the standard-bearer of the Republican party. But that doesn't seem to be happening yet. Instead, pure panic seems to be setting in. Ron Paul evidently and obviously is running a close second to Mr. “Middle of the Road” Mitt Romney and some polls seem to show that he would actually beat President Barack Obama in a head-to-head election.
»This is no comfort at all to establishment Republicans who like to talk about cutting spending and reducing the size of government but do neither when they are in power. Apparently, Republican honchos believe that Ron Paul actually would try to trim the US behemoth. He wouldn't just be talk. There would be some action as well.
»And so the leadership is looking high and low for someone – anyone – to confront the “libertarian nightmare” that is Ron Paul. We wrote just yesterday about how Chris Christie is coming under significant pressure to run for president because unlike Rick Perry – who has virtually talked himself out of his front-running position and perhaps the election entirely – Christie comes off as a sincere small-government type.
»You can't just assume sincerity as Perry tried to do. It has to be earned, and Chris Christie has earned some of it with his confrontational budget cutting in the state of New Jersey. And this makes him a rare and sought-after commodity.
»And thus the Republican leadership is rolling out its biggest guns, including former first First Lady Barbara Bush who recently phoned Chris Christie's wife Mary to urge her to support her husband in making the leap into the race. Apparently, Henry Kissinger has weighed in as well.
»This is the upper crust of the US elite talking – the enablers of the impossibly powerful central banking families. The establishment seems to be in a tizzy. Either the idea is that Obama is now unelectable (or a lame duck if he IS elected) or the top people really ARE afraid of Ron Paul and what his election would mean to their one-world plans, additional wars, etc.
»Either that or the apparent panic is all phony and a trick to set Ron Paul up as the eventual winner of the Republican nomination. As it stands now, he is positioned to into first place. If Christie declines to run Ron Paul could certainly be the nominee if his numbers hold up. Who's to stop him, Sarah Palin?»
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