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Pour confirmer la connexion des deux programmes d’avions de combat F/A-22 et F-35, budgétairement au profit du premier (voir voir notre F&C du 4 octobre), cet extrait de la rubrique Washington Outlook de Aviation Week & Space Technology du 10 octobre.

« The U.S. Air Force doesn't face any major program terminations for the next couple of years, and the F/A-22 program may even get some extra money, says Michigan Sen. Carl Levin, ranking Democrat on the Senate Armed Services Committee. But he sees some clouds on the horizon. The F-35 Joint Strike Fighter is likely to be trimmed back, and a new tanker program isn't expected anytime soon. “There's going to be budget pressure on those programs and others,” he says. “The top five procurement programs have doubled [over] their projected costs. I'm not sure I see any [aircraft] program being terminated.” As for the F/A-22, Levin says “it's hard to see that one being reduced any more; if anything, the Air Force pressure is to increase it.” In that case, Levin predicts, the Joint Strike Fighter might be cut back or delayed to pay the F/A-22 bill. Levin notes that there is a study underway on whether a new tanker is needed as soon as the Air Force says it is. “It may be that we can get along without tankers for a longer period of time,” Levin says. »

Mis en ligne le 12 octobre 2005 à 15H15