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582Un article du New York Daily News du 8 décembre confirme notre information de la veille concernant l’intérêt du sénateur démocrate pro-war Joseph Lieberman pour la direction du Pentagone en cas de départ de Rumsfeld.
« White House officials are telling associates they expect Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld to quit early next year, once a new government is formed in Iraq, sources said yesterday. Rumsfeld's deputy, Gordon England, is the inside contender to replace him, but there's also speculation that Sen. Joe Lieberman — a Democrat who ran against Bush-Cheney in the 2000 election — might become top guy at the Pentagon.
» The mention of Lieberman's name prompted some Democrats to whisper that he is lobbying for the job. “Lieberman seems to be coordinating his statements on the war with the White House,” a Senate Democratic source said.
» The source pointed to a news conference this week where Lieberman urged his party not to undermine Bush. The timing of Lieberman's pitch, also this week, to form a bipartisan ‘war cabinet’ to aid Bush was cited as well. »
Mis en ligne le 9 décembre 2005 à 09H41