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689Certes, Nile Gardiner est en général un excité, une sorte de neocon importé d’Angleterre à Washington pour y servir de correspondant pour le Daily Telegraph. Par conséquent, nous sommes souvent dans les premiers à le railler, – vieille habitude qu’on nous pardonnera.
Mais cette fois, ce 19 avril 2010 dans le Daily Telegraph, il faut avouer qu’il n’a pas tort… Obama, qui devait se rendre aux funérailles du président polonais Lech Kaczynski, qui n’y va pas, nuage de débris volcanique oblige, qui se trouve libre se dimanche-là, qui ne songe certainement pas à se rendre à une messe à la mémoire du défunt, ou à signer le livre de condoléances de l’ambassade, – non, qui préfère faire sa 32ème partie de golf depuis qu’il est président, un record paraît-il, pour un président-golfeur, comme ils semblent tous l’être plus ou moins (voir la vidéo sur WarNews, le 19 avril 2010).
Là, d’accord avec Gardiner, un peu trop cool, BHO…
«One would have thought that President Obama might have used the time he would have spent in Poland paying his respects to the Polish fallen. For example he could have visited the recently erected Victims of Communism memorial in Washington, or at the very least have signed the condolence book at the Polish Embassy. But what did he choose to do instead? Play yet another round of golf.
»As Joseph Curl at The Washington Times reported:
»“On a cool but sun-drenched Sunday, the president and three golfing companions went to Andrews Air Force Base to play 18 holes. It is the 32nd time Mr. Obama has played golf since taking office Jan. 20, 2009, according to CBS Radio’s Mark Knoller.
»“After canceling the Poland trip on Saturday, the White House announced that Mr. Obama had no public schedule for Sunday. He was to have arrived in Krakow in the morning, attend the 2 p.m. funeral and leave for home by 5 p.m., arriving back at the White House after midnight.
»“Mr. Obama has not gone to the Polish Embassy in Washington since the accident, but Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. both have. There, they signed a condolence book.”
»Just eight months on from humiliating Warsaw by pulling out of the agreement over Third Site missile defence installations in Poland and the Czech Republic, the White House has insulted the Poles yet again. This is no minor diplomatic faux pas – it is a second full-blown slap in the face for a key US partner, whose soldiers are currently laying their lives on the line alongside their American allies on the battlefields of Afghanistan.»