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431Le distingué professeur William R. Polk donne son analyse des possibilités d’attaque de l’Iran par les USA. L’avis de Polk est intéressant parce qu’il s’agit d’une autorité prestigieuse de ce domaine aux USA. (Une carrière de planificateur au département d’Etat [1961-65], de professeur d’histoire, de direction académique [du Center for Middle Eastern Studies de l’université de Chicago puis de l’Adlai Stevenson Institute of International Affairs], d’auteur prolifique, notamment sur le Moyen-Orient et l’Iran.)
L’auteur fait une prédiction qu’il explicitera et dont il détaillera les conséquences dans des articles à suivre (celui-ci est publié sur le site Information Clearing House le 16 octobre). Après avoir annoncé sa prédiction jusqu’à en donner en termes de pourcentage la possibilité par rapport à la période, il analyse les conditions de la situation iranienne avant de terminer par l’explication de l’inéluctabilité de l’attaque.
«After careful study of recent moves and statements by the Bush Administration, I have concluded that there is at least a 10% chance of an American attack on Iran before the November 7 Congressional elections and about a 90% chance before the administration’s end in 2008. In this and following articles I will explain that prediction, illustrate what moves are now being made the prepare for war, analyze what the results of such actions would be and, finally, discuss what alternatives America has to bring about what it wishes to achieve in Iran. I begin with the prediction.
»So why do I predict an American attack on Iran?
»The answer is composed of the same elements I have described: Mr. Bush’s belief that he has a God-given task which he must accomplish before he leaves office – and perhaps even before the forthcoming Congressional elections might cripple his means of action. His belief that what his own intelligence experts tell him is wrong, that Iran actually is about to acquire the bomb, is stirring the pot of Middle Eastern terrorism and is a threat to the existence of Israel. Finally, he believes he has the authority, given by the American people in his two elections and through Congressional approval of his war with Afghanistan, to act.»
Mis en ligne le 17 octobre 2006 à 15H24