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452On sait combien les USA, version-Washington, type-Hillary Clinton notamment, se sont dépensés pour s’exclamer à propos du vote et de la démocratie en Russie, leur modernité bien incertaine, leur justesse trahie et leur justice bafouée, leurs fraudes bien certaines… «The Russian people, like people everywhere, deserve the right to have their voices heard and their votes counted», dit-elle fameusement, Hillary.
Entretemps, le PEW Center, spécialisé dans les enquêtes statistiques et autres, s’était attaché à l’état de l’opérationnalité de la démocratie aux USA. Un rapport fut publié le 14 février 2012. Le constat en est que, si l’on peut s’interroger pour savoir si la Russie est bien entrée dans le XXIème siècle avec sa démocratie, avec de bonnes chances de répondre positivement, les USA, eux, sont fermement installés au cœur du XIXème siècle, avec tout l’exotisme de l’exactitude et de la fraude qui va avec, comme s’ils étaient satisfaits après tout du jugement de Tocqueville, et qu’ils entendaient y rester.
Russia Today a rencontré divers spécialistes à propos de cette enquête. Extraits du texte datant de ce 9 mars 2012.
«The US is always quick to criticize the election process in other countries, as it has been since the presidential election in Russia last week. But in a few months America will have to elect a new national leader using a 19th-century, paper-based voter registration system that has previously left the nation’s electoral rolls plagued by errors and inaccuracies.
»According to David Becker, the Director of Election Initiatives for the Pew Center on the States, “About 2.2 million votes were lost in 2008 due to voter registration problems.” A new Pew report on America’s “inaccurate, costly and inefficient voting system” also found 1.8 million deceased individuals listed as eligible US voters. Plus nearly 3 million citizens are registered in more than one state.
»“We found roughly 24 million records that are no longer up-to-date, mostly because people have moved. In some cases because people have died,” David Becker says. “We found 51 million eligible voters who aren’t on the rolls – that is one in four eligible citizens in the United States,” he adds. For example New York state voting problems during the 2010 midterm elections resulted in a reported 60,000 votes being tossed out uncounted. Officials say the misuse of new electronic, optical-scan machines was to blame. This threatens the integrity of America’s free and fair elections.
»“We should assume that every citizen that is eligible to vote, can vote. And if there’s some problem on Election Day, there should be some way that they can correct [it], so that they are not told ‘I don’t see you on the book’,” Lawrence Norden from Brennan Center for Justice in New York maintains. “Even if you are a citizen, even if you are 18 – your vote is not going to count,” he said.»