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520Puisqu’on parle beaucoup d’une nouvelle menace contre les hélicoptères américains en Irak, des précisions apparaissent sur la forme de ces menaces. Outre les classiques missiles sol-air portables, comme le SA-7, il y a l’apparition de IED (“Improvised Explosive Device”).
Le 17 janvier, Defense News publie une dépèche AFP qui, assez curieusement, cite… Defense News (mouvement perpétuel de l’information ainsi inventé.) Voici les précisions sur les IED : « The head of the U.S. Army Aviation Center has reported separately that insurgents are now using a new “aerial” improvised explosive device (IED) designed to shoot 15 meters (50 feet) into the air and explode under a low-flying helicopter, the weekly Defense News reported. (...)
» Brig. Gen. Edward Sinclair, the commander of the Army Aviation Center at Fort Rucker, Ala., disclosed that the latest threat against military helicopters in Iraq are “aerial IEDs.” He told Defense News that insurgents have been placing the improvised explosive devices along known flight paths and then triggering them when American helicopters fly in at rooftop level. Sinclair said the bomb’s builders may be using radio activated proximity fuses taken from artillery, anti-aircraft and mortar shells to detonate the warhead at altitudes of about 15 meters (50 feet).
» Defense News said the devices have been used against helicopters on multiple occasions, but the general would not say if they have caused damage. Army helicopters come under insurgent fire 15 or 20 times a month, Sinclair said. »
Mis en ligne le 18 janvier 2006 à 17H40