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Nous ne pouvons résister à l’extrême intérêt de publier, pour bien les mettre en exergue, ces quelques paragraphes du texte de Paul Craig Roberts sur … Cela, pour tenter, en plus de notre tâche normale d’informer l’honnête citoyen, d’avertir nos éminentes élites, gouvernementales, expertes, bureaucratiques et autres, que ce qui se passe en Irak aujourd’hui et ce qui se passera demain aux Etats-Unis, — que tout cela est extrêmement sérieux et peut-être fondamentalement déstabilisateur.

« We have run out of troops and money, the rest of the world has run out of patience with our stupidity, and the upper regions of the Bush administration may be crumbling under the pressure of a prosecutor's investigations and eroding public support.

» Bush administration neocons such as Wolfowitz, Perle, Feith, Libby, along with their cheerleaders at Fox “News”, the Weekly Standard, the Wall Street Journal editorial page, National Review, and the New York Times' Judith Miller will go down in history as the architects and enablers of the greatest strategic blunder in American history. The neocon dream of conquering the Middle East for Israel and destroying Islam as a force is now in history's trash heap of failed adventures along with such miscalculations as Hitler's march into Russia and the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.

» In seeking to get to the bottom of the Valerie Plame affair, federal prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald is bringing us back to the Big Question: Who cooked the books in order to justify the invasion of Iraq? Was the ringleader Vice President Cheney? Was it Defense Secretary Rumsfeld and his neocon cadres? Or was it President Bush himself? What role did Condi “Mushroom Cloud” Rice play in the orchestrated deceit of Congress and the American public?

» In the American system, high government officials, no matter how powerful their positions, are not the law. They are subject to the law, which they are sworn to uphold, and when they violate the law they are held accountable.

» The U.S. invasion of Iraq was illegal and unwarranted. Those who conspired to bring this war about must be identified and punished. Otherwise the United States will sink from the rule of law into the rule of men.

» A true patriot does not confuse government with country. A patriot's loyalty is to his country, and loyalty to country requires holding government accountable.

Mis en ligne le 28 juillet 2005 à 09H40