Désaccord BHO-Pelosi sur les dépenses de défense

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Désaccord BHO-Pelosi sur les dépenses de défense

Bien plus important que le discours sur l’état de l’Union de BHO, le désaccord apparu quelques heures avant ce discours entre Nancy Pelosi, Speaker de la Chambre, et Barack Obama. La Speaker voulait que les dépenses de défense soient incluses dans le “gel” de $250 milliards du prochain budget d’Obama. La Maison-Blanche a répondu par une fin de non-recevoir.

Pelosi exprimait le sentiment de nombreux démocrates de gauche et populistes à la Chambre, dans le même esprit qu’exprime Steve Clemons (voir notre Bloc-Notes de ce 28 janvier 2010). Deux textes de Fox.News sont à consulter pour cela, l’un et l’autre du 27 janvier 2010. (Nous reviendrons sur ce sujet d’une façon plus substantielle.)

«Top Obama Adviser David Axelrod told Fox this afternoon the president opposes Speaker Nancy Pelosi's call to include the defense budget in a three-year spending freeze. “What we can't do at time when we're in two wars, and we have a very determined enemy in Al Qaeda, we can't stand down,” Axelrod said. “We have to make sure we have adequate defense. I'm not going to get into a debate with the speaker. But the freeze that we're recommending is for discretionary spending.”

»Pelosi called for the president's proposed freeze to apply to defense spending in an interview with reporters Wednesday. The disagreement, surfacing mere hours before the State of the Union address, threatens to cast a pall over one of the items the White House hoped would establish Obama's credibility on the deficit. Pelosi spoke for many liberal Democrats who did not want domestic spending subject to a three-year freeze if defense spending was exempted.

»Axelrod's assertion that subjecting defense spending to a freeze would mean a “stand down” against Al Qaeda could fuel Republican criticism of Pelosi and deepen the simmering sense of alienation between House Democrats and the White House.

»House Democrats complained bitterly this week that after following Obama's lead on energy, health care, banking and jobs legislation those initiatives have stalled in the Democratically controlled Senate.»
