Doha et la globalisation, — en route vers l’échec et les funérailles



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Les Européens, par la voix de leur très libre-échangiste Commissaire au Commerce Peter Mandelson, prennent leurs précautions. Ils annoncent que l’échec probable de l’accord de libre-échange dit de Doha (“Doha Round”) ne pourra leur être imputé, mais bien être imputé aux Américains. Tactique classique pour préparer sa sortie tête haute d’une négociation difficile et aboutissant à un échec. Les funérailles de la globalisation se poursuivent donc selon le plan prévu.

C’est le Financial Times d’hier qui nous signale la chose, à partir du texte d’un discours que Mandelson doit prononcer ce jour en Finlande.

« In a speech in Finland on Friday, Mr. Mandelson says that World Trade Organisation member countries must make realistic demands and offers of cuts in tariffs and subsidies. “At this point in the talks I am looking first to the US for more of this,” he will say, according to an advance copy of his speech. While the EU has begun to reform its farm subsidy schemes, Mr Mandelson says, “the US has yet to cut a single dollar or dime from its escalating farm spending”.

» The talks, which started in 2001, received another jolt this week when Rob Portman, US trade representative (USTR), was moved to the White House and succeeded by his deputy, Susan Schwab. Though Friday’s speech does not mention the personnel change, Mr Mandelson made it clear that he thought the timing of the move was unhelpful.

» Some officials said the EU was trying to shift responsibility for slow progress to the US, having been on the back foot for much of the negotiations. “The blame game seems to have started already,” said one Geneva-based diplomat. »

Mis en ligne le 21 avril 2006 à 11H38