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Bien entendu, il s’est trouvé quelques commentateurs (assez peu, il faut dire, le feu sacré commence à faiblir) pour annoncer les lendemains irakiens qui chantent après les élections du 15 décembre. Commentaire de Juan Cole, incontesté spécialiste US de l’Irak, pas assermenté du tout à la ligne officielle, — sur son site personnel:

« Since Bush is going to say Sunday that the Sunni Arab participation in the elections suggests a near end of major guerrilla violence, let me just repeat what I said Thursday: the history of guerrilla insurgencies is replete with groups that simulaneously fought on both the political and paramilitary fronts. Listen to how angry the Sunni politicians are, as they speak out in the wake of the elections, both at Bush and at the Shiites, and you get a sense of how detached the Bush administration remains from reality.

» A major Sunni leader whose list (the National Dialogue Council) seems to be doing well, Salih Mutlak, just came on Arabic satellite television and gave a strident anti-American speech. He addressed Bush, warning him not to believe that a fair election had just occurred in Iraq, and denounced the continued US military occupation of his country. He also lashed out at Shiite politicians. Mutlak is a secular Arab nationalist who still praises the Baath Party. Mutlak's emergence as a likely power broker in the Iraqi parliament is good news for Bush? »

Mis en ligne le 20 décembre 2005 à 14H51