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468D’une façon générale, les nouvelles que Hugo Chavez puis l’Iranien Mahmoud Ahmadinejad veulent demander des comptes à GW Bush concernant les véritables circonstances de l’attaque du 11 septembre 2001 suscitent des commentaires méprisants des observateurs occidentaux. La chose est cataloguée comme propagande simple et primaire propagande, venue de sources idem, et de toutes les façons évidemment infondée.
La chose est pourtant plus intéressante qu’elle n’y paraît. Wayne Madsen fait quelques remarques qui valent d’être lues.
« In March, Chavez said Venezuela will open an official investigation into the 9-11 attacks. Now, Chavez has been joined by Ahmedinejad, who in a recent letter to President George W. Bush, asked, “Why have the various aspects of the [9-11] attacks been kept secret?” Ahmedinejad indicated that the attacks could not have been carried out without the knowledge of the U.S. “security services.”
» The fact that the Venezuelan and Iranian leaders suspect Bush administration complicity in 9-11 is interesting. These leaders have at their disposal two highly capable intelligence agencies. A major priority of the intelligence services of Venezuela and Iran (DISIP and VEVAK, respectively) is counter-intelligence against the United States. However, that is not likely where Venezuela and Iran may have gleaned information about who was behind the 9-11 attacks.
» Venezuela and Iran are members of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and a major priority of their intelligence services is collecting information on oil deals, including the Bush administration negotiations with the Taliban in Tashkent and Berlin prior to 9-11 that quickly went sour and likely provided the impetus for the Muslim insurgents to attack New York and Washington on 9-11.
» VEVAK, a sworn enemy of the Taliban and Al Qaeda, had successfully penetrated the Taliban's and Pakistan's security services and would have been well aware of the attack plans and any U.S. foreknowledge of them, including knowing about money movements from Pakistan to the hijackers in Florida.
» DISIP was well aware of the smuggling of cocaine from Colombia, trans-shipped on a Saudi diplomatic Boeing 737 through Venezuela, by Saudi Royal family members who then used the proceeds to support Al Qaeda's attack on America. »
Mis en ligne le 12 mai 2006 à 12H39
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