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757Heureusement qu’il y a des sources “proches de Downing Street”. Elles ont fait savoir qu’après tout et tous comptes faits, le Premier ministre Tony Blair, actuellement en vacances, n’était pas loin de penser la même chose que son ami John Prescott pour ce qui concerne ce qu’il faut penser du président des Etats-Unis (“crap”, pas moins).
Voici ce que The Daily Mail met en ligne le soir (22H57) du 19 août :
« A senior Downing Street source said that, privately, Mr Blair broadly agrees with John Prescott, who said Mr Bush's record on the issue was “crap”.
» The source said: “We all feel badly let down by Bush. We thought we had persuaded him to take the Israel-Palestine situation seriously, but we were wrong. How can anyone have faith in a man of such low intellect?”
» The rift between No10 and the White House stems from British anger that Mr Bush failed to do enough to pursue the “road map” to peace between the Israelis and Palestinians, which he approved, at Mr Blair's instigation, on the eve of the Iraq war.
» “We have been banging on at them for three years about the need to address the Palestinian problem but they just won't engage,” said a senior Government insider. “That is one of the reasons there is such a mess now.”
» It is understood Mr Blair hopes to undertake a highly controversial one-man mission to the Middle East when he returns from his holiday, including a trip to war-torn Lebanon.
» Until now, the Prime Minister has given Mr Bush 100 per cent backing on all foreign policy issues since the Iraq war in 2003. But Mr Blair's refusal to distance himself publicly from the White House's all-out support for Israel's attacks on Hezbollah guerillas in Lebanon has enraged Labour MPs and several Ministers.
» However, a Downing Street official said: “We believe our best approach is to use our influence with the American government to persuade them of the importance of making progress to achieve peace in the Middle East.” Mr Blair's advisers say his portrayal by critics as Mr Bush's “poodle” is a travesty and claim he gets results by hammering out their differences in private.
» But they do not deny that, behind the facade of public support, Downing Street's patience with Mr Bush has never been stretched so far. »
John Prescott doit se sentir conforté. D’autant que, d’après le même article, il continue sa croisade de parler-vrai et de transparence sur le même ton plein de vigueur et d’alacrité. Cela se passait lors d’un récent conseil, en l’absence de Blair semble-t-il. On évoquait un autre conseil où des ministres auraient marqué leur désaccord avec la politique de Blair dans la crise libanaise. Le brave Lord Chancelor, Lors Falconer, un ami de Blair, aurait été l’une des seules voix à s’élever timidement contre cette interprétation, niant qu’il y ait eu de tels remous. Le massif Prescott serait alors intervenu avec tout son poids et aurait clamé à l’intention du brave Lord Falconer, — selon la transcription qu’en fait le Daily Mail, qu’on pourrait éventuellement aider à traduire : « Of course they f****** did, you were f****** there. »
Mis en ligne le 21 août 2006 à 05H54