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759A lire absolument, une tonitruante interview de George Galloway, le député britannique fameux depuis son audition au Sénat des Etats-Unis le 17 mai dernier. (La popularité de Galloway aux USA à la suite de son audition se mesure au courrier électronique qu'il a reçu, selon ses affirmations: plus de 12.000 messages.)
Galloway répond aux questions de Thom Hartmann, autre dissident fameux aux USA. (Hartmann s’est notamment spécialisé dans les recherches sur les fraudes électorales lors de l’élection présidentielle de 2004. Il en parle lors de son interview de Galloway, les deux hommes comparant les pratiques respectives des fraudes électorales par les autorités en place, dans leurs pays respectifs.)
L’interview est diversifiée et aborde plusieurs sujets. On lira notamment le jugement de Galloway sur les raisons qui ont poussé Tony Blair à partir en guerre aux côtés de GW (« All I can say from my own conversations with Mr. Blair, man to man, are that I think that both him and George W. Bush are possessed of a kind of messianic belief that somebody, God perhaps, gave them the job of shouldering the white man's burden, which is the world. »)
Il faut lire également quelques précisions de Galloway sur l’état des privatisations au Royaume-Uni, — celle des chemins de fer, bien connu, mais aussi celle, moins connue, des contrôleurs du trafic aérien. Enfin, nous publions ci-dessous les quelques mots d’explications de Galloway sur la disparition, dans les 24 heures, du texte de son témoignage sur le site du Sénat des Etats-Unis, où les archives des interventions sont disponibles. C’est une décision assez inhabituelle pour être signalée avec insistance.
Thom Hartmann — First of all, Senator Norman Coleman, whose committee you testified before and to whom you spoke the week before last, as I recall, or last week — recently. There are reports, which I've been unable to absolutely confirm, but apparently, from the searches of the senate web site, it looks like your testimony has disappeared from the record.
George Galloway — That's right.
Thom Hartmann — Do you know about that, and what are your thoughts on that?
George Galloway — It has been. It has been. It has been airbrushed from the, from the record. And in a way, if you saw the testimony, you'll know why. Because what I managed to do, and I thank God for the breath that he gave me to do it, was blow away the smokescreen that these people are trying to throw up to divert attention from the very real crimes, high crimes and misdemeanors that they themselves are responsible for. And I've had, and I'm not exaggerating this, more than 12,000 emails from the United States. 12,000 emails, and it's not easy in the United States to find out the email address of a British parliamentarian.
Thom Hartmann — Yeah.
George Galloway — And these people have all written to me. Many of them have drawn attention to the fact that although for one day, just 24 hours, my testimony was on the web site it has now been wiped off it. And that tells you all you need to know, really, about the quality of the commitment to democracy and open government that these people really have as opposed to the talk that they talk.
Mis en ligne le 29 mai 2005 à 07H00