Gidéon Levy, ou l’honneur d’Israël



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Il faut un courage certain, en Israël, pour écrire ce que le commentateur Gidéon Levy écrit le 30 juillet dans Haaretz. Dans le chaos indescriptible et le déchaînement des ivresses aveugles, le commentaire de Lévy sonne comme l’honneur d’Israël. L’observateur met en évidence l’absurdité de la situation présente et le comportement suicidaire de son pays salué par des applaudissements presque unanimes.

Ce que décrit Lévy, c’est une machine devenue folle, effectivement l’avancée extrême d’un système dont la finalité est la guerre totale, un système que plus personne ne semble capable de maîtriser. Le pays de Gidéon Lévy est prisonnier du système de guerre dont le centre est le Pentagone. Il agit conformément aux instructions.

Lévy est triste et accablé et il l’écrit. Répétons-le, il faut du courage, aujourd’hui en Israël, pour écrire ces phrases. Lisez le début de son texte et sa conclusion, — crépusculaire — et méditez sur la folie de ce temps historique qui ressemble parfois à la fin des temps.

« In war as in war: Israel is sinking into a strident, nationalistic atmosphere and darkness is beginning to cover everything. The brakes we still had are eroding, the insensitivity and blindness that characterized Israeli society in recent years is intensifying. The home front is cut in half: the north suffers and the center is serene. But both have been taken over by tones of jingoism, ruthlessness and vengeance, and the voices of extremism that previously characterized the camp's margins are now expressing its heart. The left has once again lost its way, wrapped in silence or “admitting mistakes.” Israel is exposing a unified, nationalistic face.

» The devastation we are sowing in Lebanon doesn't touch anyone here and most of it is not even shown to Israelis. Those who want to know what Tyre looks like now have to turn to foreign channels — the BBC reporter brings chilling images from there, the likes of which won't be seen here. How can one not be shocked by the suffering of the other, at our hands, even when our north suffers? The death we are sowing at the same time, right now in Gaza, with close to 120 dead since the kidnapping of Gilad Shalit, 27 last Wednesday alone, touches us even less. The hospitals in Gaza are full of burned children, but who cares? The darkness of the war in the north covers them, too.


» Peace Now stands silently, so does Meretz, except for brave Zehava Gal-On. A few days of a war of choice and already Yehoshua Sobol is admitting he was wrong all along. Peace Now is suddenly an “infantile slogan” for him. His colleagues are silent and their silence is no less resounding. Only the extreme left makes its voice heard, but it is a voice nobody listens to.

» Long before this war is decided, it can already be stated that its spiraling cost will include the moral blackout that is surrounding and covering us all, threatening our existence and image no less than Hezbollah's Katyushas. »

Mis en ligne le 31 juillet 2006 à 10H07