GW est un sondage à lui tout seul



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Nouveau plancher pour GW, avec un sondage Harris qui le conduit à 34% d’opinions exprimant une satisfaction à son égard. Finalement plus impressionnant encore, parce que plus significatif du pessimisme considérable qui règne dans le pays, 68% des Américains pensent que le pays est « on a wrong track », contre 27% qui jugent du contraire. « According to Thursday’s poll, published by Harris Interactive, 65% of Americans rate the president’s performance as “only fair” or “poor”.

» Bush's approval rating has been steadily slipping from 50% when he was re-elected in November 2004, to 45% in June to 40% in August of this year, according to the New York-based pollster. In 2001, at the start of his first four-year term, Bush enjoyed a 56% approval rating. That shot up to 88% after the September 11 attacks. In April 2003, during the build-up to the invasion of Iraq, 70% of Americans approved of the president's job performance, but his approval ratings had been steadily falling for a year.

» Compared with other two-term presidents at a similar point in their mandates, Bush is now slightly more popular than Richard Nixon's 29% approval rating. In the latest Harris survey, Vice President Dick Cheney fared even worse than his boss, with just 30% of Americans believing he was doing a good job, down from 35% in August. »

Mis en ligne le 18 novembre 2005 à 06H41