GW et Kim, même triste combat



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GW et Kim, même triste combat

Après avoir, selon les meilleures sources, frôlé l'apocalypse à plusieurs reprises l'année dernière, la crise nord-coréenne se dégonfle piteusement ou heureusement c'est selon. Les commentateurs MSM se trouvent obligés de mettre GW Bush, président des USA, et Kim Jong Il, dictateur notoire, crasseux et décoiffé, dans la même galère, — celle des batailles ratées et des retraites honteuses. Ainsi l’accord USA-Corée du Nord termine-t-il, temporairement ou pas c’est selon, d’une manière piteuse une crise à répétition, et autant de fois gonflée artificiellement.

L’entame de l’article de David E. Sanger sur le sujet, aujourd’hui dans l’International Herald Tribune, donne la mesure de la chute de la puissance US. (Pour la Corée du Nord, on se permettra de penser qu’il n’y a chute de rien du tout, ce pays n’ayant jamais représenté la moindre puissance.)

»It is hard to imagine that either George W. Bush or Kim Jong Il would have agreed even a year ago to the kind of deal they have now approved. The pact, announced Tuesday, would stop, seal and ultimately disable North Korea's nuclear facilities, as part of a grand bargain that the administration has previously shunned as overly generous to a repressive country — especially one that has not yet said when or if it will give up its nuclear arsenal.

»But in the past few months, the world has changed for both Bush and Kim, two men who have made clear how deeply they detest each other. Both are beset by huge problems, and both needed some kind of breakthrough.

«For Bush, bogged down in Iraq, his authority undercut by the November elections, any chance to show progress in peacefully disarming a country that detonated a nuclear test just four months ago could no longer be passed up. As one senior administration official said over the weekend, the prospect that Bush might leave Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan and North Korea more dangerous places than he found them ''can't be very appealing.”»

Enfin, il ne vous étonnera pas d’apprendre que John Bolton est furieux et qu’il souhaite ardemment que GW retrouve toutes ses brillantes capacités :

«“This is a very bad deal,” Bolton told CNN television, saying it contradicts Bush's policy and would show US weakness at a time when it is challenging Iran over its controversial nuclear program. “I'm hoping that the president has not been fully briefed on it and he still has time to reject it,” he said.»


Mis en ligne le 14 février 2007 à 10H09